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also Ka·roo  (kə-ro͞o′)
A semiarid plateau region of southwest South Africa. It is divided into the North Karroo, along the Orange River; the Great (or Central) Karroo; and the Little Karroo, near the coast.


Variant of karoo.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



n., pl. -roos for 2.
1. a vast plateau in the S Republic of South Africa, in Cape of Good Hope province. 100,000 sq. mi. (260,000 sq. km); 3000–4000 ft. (900–1200 m) above sea level.
2. (l.c.) Also, ka•roo′. an arid South African tableland with red clay soil.
[< Afrikaans kar(r)oo]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Spring is the best time to catch Kirstenbosch, and also the Karroo which in the South African summer seems a dry wasteland beyond the coastal mountain chain but is transformed into a floral wonderland after the winter rains.
[139] FABALES Fabaceae Acacia karroo Hayne [120] Albizia julibrissin Durazz.
The year I started high school, my father joined the railway police and we moved down to De Aar in the middle of the Karroo. Da Silva came too, travelling in the boot of our green Valiant, completely filling a Sunlight Soap carton with holes punched in the lid.
not far distant when the Karroo will be studded with windmills." (28) Rather boreholes that did not "flow" at the surface were broken open or dynamited to reach or induce the water or else abandoned as useless.
In Boyhood, he vividly evokes a youth that, with the exception of visits to the family farm in the arid Karroo, was life after the Fall: ugly, uncertain, and shameful.
Whitaker has observed, is everywhere motivated by the same "country road" that "runs across a bare stage from nowhere to nowhere": The South African road through the great Karroo, that "awesome Landscape of nothing" in which Fugard was born, became an insistent motif in his work as early as 1961 with The Blood Knot.
The influence of the host plant (Acacia karroo) on the population dynamics of Acizzia russellae (Homoptera: Psyllidae).
Soon after, Butler founded The Midland News and Karroo Farmer which he edited from 1897-1923.
IN 1925, Sauer, a Doberman trained by Detective Sergeant Herbert Kruger, tracked a stock thief 100 miles across the Great Karroo, South Africa, by scent alone.
Further base metal discoveries under the Karroo sequence are possible as well as further diamond opportunities.
Thus Sally learned to fill the long, hot Karroo hours with reading.