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If fermented cruciferous veggies like Sauerkraut and Kimchi are to be avoided for thyroid issues, you can still include a variety of fermented vegetables like pickled cucumber, carrots, olives, beet kavass, coconut water and diary-based probiotics such as yoghurt, aged soft cheese and milk kefir.
(49) Similarly Australian books were often critiqued according to whether they covered sufficient Australian material, as even within Australian texts there was a continued tendency to focus on developments in England: MacDougal praised Morris for providing a 'much needed Australian contribution to the literature on criminal law', (50) while Sutton found it 'regrettable' that Samek's work referred to 'so few Australian cases' in circumstances where the book was 'written primarily for Australian students' (51) and Kavass considered that the achievement of Higgins' work was that 'for the first time there is an Australian work on the law of partnership which relies for its authorities predominantly on Australian judicial decisions'.
(105) Kavass criticised Ingles' Family Law for emphasizing psychological and physiological issues at the expense of an emphasis on the law.
(52) Igor Kavass, 'Review of Patrick Higgins The Law of Partnership' (1964) 4 Melbourne University Law Review 600, 600.
Kavass, Colombia: Supreme Court Decision on Law Concerning the Extradition Treaty Between Colombia and the United States, 27 I.L.M.
(52) This essentially repeats the Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work Its Sixth Session in I Kavass and A Liivak, UNCTTRAL - Legislative History Documents of the Model Law of International Contmercal Arbitration (Institute for Legal Information, New York 1985), 26--1, 26-0-21 where the cheice in Article 28(1) between 'rules of law' and 'law' was considered.
Kavass & Adolf Sprudzs, Editorial Introduction to WILLIAM WINTHROP, MILITARY LAW AND PRECEDENTS (Igor I.
Hallums would like to thank those who listened, edited, and advised throughout the development of this Note, namely Joshua Shanholtzer, Professor Igor Kavass, John Rochford, Emily Moseley, Stacy Feld, and my family.