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References in periodicals archive ?
De Beers Group production is on a 100% basis, except for the Gahcho Kue joint venture which is on an attributable 51% basis.
Starting in June, McNeely began two-week rotations as an environmental monitor at Gahcho Kue Mine, located 280 km northeast of Yellowknife in Canada's Northwest Territories.
Mountain Province said the transaction adds Kennady's 100% owned diamondiferous bodies, which contain indicated resources of 13.62 m carats and inferred resources of 5.02 m carats, and adds 67,164 hectares of highly prospective and 100%-owned exploration ground surrounding the Gahcho Kue mine.
"My role is to really make sure there is open communication between students and the administration and student and faculty," says Kue, a seasoned diversity practitioner who has worked in the field for more than two decades.
KUE LLC is the largest for-profit provider of early childhood education in the US and the parent company of KinderCare Learning Centers, as well as the brands Children's Creative Learning Centers and Champions.
Fidel Kue opened up scoring for UST before Gabe Mendoza drained in the equalizer for UP.
Neglect, oblivion, and denial had supposedly led the Guarani-Kaiowa of Pyelito Kue in Mato Gross do Sul to call for "collective suicide." However, at no time did leaders, in a communique to denounce the situation of their people, speak of suicide, according to a communique from the Conselho Indigenista Missionario (CIMI), a Catholic Church agency.
Maize hybrids exhibit better potassium use efficiency (KUE) and utilize soil N in an efficient way, thus reduce input cost and conserve environment.
Thus, the enhancement in the K use efficiency (KUE) is essential for increasing rice production to meet the food requirements of the growing population (Yang et al., 2004).