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1. A member or supporter of a labor movement or union.
2. Laborite A member of a political party representing labor.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈleɪ bəˌraɪt)

a member of a political party promoting the interests of labor.
[1885–90, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


a member of a political party or other group allied with the interests of labor.
See also: Organized Labor
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Seychelles Peoples Defence Forces, Kishnan Laborite, Commissioner
This included call on with Ambassador Maurice Loustau Lalanne, Minister of Tourism, Brigadier Leopold F Payet, Chief of Seychelles Peoples Defence Forces, Mr Kishnan Laborite, Commissioner of the Seychelles Police, Mr David Andre, Mayor of Victoria and Ms Sheryl Vartgadasamy, Special Advisor (Police) to Minister of Home Affairs.
Drawing upon contemporary labour movement writings, union and ALP conference proceedings and, in particular, the views of the Victorian Laborite Frank Anstey, this article suggests that the wartime labour movement was not in theory opposed to conscription.
Agricultural production depends upon two factors, first productivity of the land and the second productivity of the agricultural laborite first improved a lot but not the second.
* Noam Shalit intends to run for office as a "pro-peace" Laborite. In a remarkable, controversial interview, he sympathized with those who kidnapped his son.
There is surely much to commend in the record of Australian John Howard, who just decisively lost the prime ministership to Laborite Kevin Rudd after 11 years in office.
His reforms were Thatcherite in their free-market ideology, but Laborite in generous funding.
He cites an odd anecdote on Truman, who told Lester Pearson, in January 1948, that the Korean situation was less dangerous than believed by Mackenzie King and that the latter should not pay undue attention to "the fears spread by the British government of Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin, Laborite isolationists" (136).
In addition, "Those other countries that have found ways to accommodate gay relationships almost all have strong laborite, social democratic, or socialist traditions."
One prominent Laborite called Blair's position "deeply reckless."
Armour think about it?" This oft-quoted response to a union organizer's pitch by an anonymous Black laborer at Chicago's anti-union Armour and Company packinghouse in 1919 matches a once commonplace white laborite notion of how Black industrial workers responded to unionization early in the twentieth century.(1) Those workers' clear and widespread resistance to labor organization prior to the late 1930s and 1940s(2) was taken to reflect the naive sentiments of Black workers viewed by trade union supporters as tragic, child-like victims of forces and actors beyond their understanding - a southern paternalist legacy, corporate paternalism, and cowed Black elites who simply and unanimously sold Black labor out to employers.(3)
His politics were similarly changeable: The Oxford Leninist evolved into a conventional leftist during the Laborite ascendancy of the |60s, and the rise of the conservatives shaped the right-wing populist so reviled by the forces of virtue today.