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Related to lagune: laguna, Lacune


a rare spelling of lagoon
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.lagune - a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or corallagune - a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral
lake - a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land
liman - a long narrow lagoon near the mouth of a river
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Situee entre El Jadida et Safi et a quelque 158 km de Casablanca, cette petite ville doit surtout sa renommee a l'echelle nationale et internationale, a ses huitres, [beaucoup moins que]les meilleures du monde[beaucoup plus grand que], et a sa lagune paisible, qui fascine et subjugue le visiteur par sa beaute et ses paysages naturels a couper le souffle.
Un Jardin sur la Lagune is the sixth of the Hermes' renowned and bestselling Jardin series.
The result of those garden sojourns is Un Jardin Sur La Lagune eau de toilette, the newest in Hermes' Garden Collection, a woody floral fragrance that, as Julien de Mestier, Hermes Parfums area manager for North Asia and Oceania, put it, is a 'sweet scent of nostalgia without sadness, one that brings forth feelings of joy, rebirth and eternity.'
Reportedly, this plant will treat water from Lagune Aghien, Ivory Coast's largest freshwater reserve near Abidjan, which is dense with algae and other contaminants, to help meet the fresh water needs of the country's largest city Abidjan, which with a population of 4.7 million people, is in urgent need of reliable, potable water due to its growing population and housing development.
Accordingly, the plant will treat water from Ivory Coast's largest freshwater reserve near Abidjan, Lagune Aghien that is dense with algae and other contaminants, to meet the fresh water needs of the city.
Pour ce qui est de la lagune, celle-ci a permis de proteger l'oued Djanet (milieu recepteur) et de reutiliser l'eau epuree par lagunage naturel pour la definition d'une strategie consistant en la creation d'un centre d'irrigation.
Porem nao sao objetos do presente estudo, visto que, assim como a colecao didatica Lagune e diversos outros materiais didaticos de lingua alema como idioma estrangeiro, estao pautados nos principios teorico- metodologicos comunicativos.
In the "marine" chapters of the text, "Lagune" (dedicated to the Grado Lagoon) and "Assirtidi" (where Magris portrays the Kvarner Gulf--il Qiiamaro--in Croatia), the Adriatic's natural and cultural landscapes play a vital role in his understanding and, eventually, acceptance of mortality.
Une etude technique visant la rehabilitation de la lagune de Moulay Bousselham afin d'apporter une solution a la problematique d'ensablement a ete lancee par la Direction des ports et du domaine public maritime, relevant du ministere de l'Equipement, du transport et de la logistique.