
Also found in: Medical.


adj, lakier or lakiest
(Colours) of the reddish colour of the pigment lake
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈleɪ ki)

adj. lak•i•er, lak•i•est.
of, pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in lakes.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
An eclectic host of live acts await DIVA festival-goers who want to bop 'til they drop (or sway while they play) with stages bouncing to the sounds of Cat Burns, LANTA, Lots Holloway, Toya Delazy, Kal Lavelle, LAKY, The Coaltown Daisies, Charlotte Carpenter, Katey Brooks and Xylaroo.
Soon after, the path opens up to the Vlkolinske Laky locality, a meadow with crossroads and paths.
(32.) Bertl K, Schoiber A, Haririan H, Markus Laky, Irene Steiner, WD Rausch Oleh Andrukhov, Xiaohui Rausch-Fan.Non-surgical periodontal therapy influences salivary melatonin levels.
On Tuesday, Dadu city, Mehar, Khairpur Nathan Shah, Johi, Bhan Syedabad, Sehwan, Sann, ManjAhand, Laky Shah Saddar, Lakha, Kotri, Jamshoro, NooriAabad and other small towns of Dadu and Jamshoro districts also received widespread rains.
"A lot of credit goes to the fintech lenders for reinvigorating a loan category that's been around forever," Jason Laky, TransUnion's consumer-lending business lead, said in an interview.
Reif P, Drobbnitsch T, Aigmuller R, Laky D, Hass J, Bader A, et al.
She is the author of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture (1991), Gyongy Laky (2003), and co-author oiMakers: a History of American Studio Craft, intended as both an important resource for the field and a much-needed college-level art history survey.
Lilian de Angelo Laky discute o papel dos jogos olimpicos mediante o aspecto religioso, considerando o culto de Zeus em Olimpia no processo de mobilizacao das elites e da afirmacao de identidades politicas, etnicas e regionais nos periodos arcaico e classico.
Early identification of malnourished patients, as well as those at risk of malnourishment, is imperative to minimize undesirable outcomes throughout the clinical course in radical cystectomy (Cunha Cde et al, 2014; Laky, Janda, Cleghom, & Obermair, 2008).
Wide, Hassan Laky , SPLMA/IO representative disembarking the aircraft