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1. Having the shape of the Greek letter lambda.
2. Anatomy Relating to the deeply serrated suture in the skull between the parietal bones and the occipital bone.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈlæmdɔɪd) or


1. having the shape of the Greek letter lambda
2. (Anatomy) of or denoting the suture near the back of the skull between the occipital and parietal bones
[C16: via French from Greek lambdoeidēs]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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An extensive repertoire of type III secretion effectors in Escherichia coli O157 and the role of lambdoid phages in their dissemination.
(1999): small size (Forearm length: 47.40 - 49.30 mm), brown dorsal pelage, belly paler than the back, tail protruding from the uropatagium at least half of its length, rostrum slightly naked, pointed muzzle, smooth lips without pronounced folds, thick ears, rounded and widely separated in the crown, inner ear keel ends up behind the posterior border of the antitragus, sagittal and lambdoid crest poorly developed, basisphenoid pits moderately deep and rounded.
Fragments were collected from the lateral aspect of the right parietal (n=2), posterior right parietal in the area of the lambdoid suture (n = 1), left posterior parietal (n = 1), and left temporal (n = 1).
Dr Leadbeatter said the cardiac arrest was caused by a blunt head injury including a fracture of the right lambdoid suture - a join in the skull bones.
The cells determined by the grid were firstly named according their position running from the sagittal to the squamous suture as 'Superior', 'Middle' and 'Inferior', and secondly according to their location running from the coronal to the lambdoid suture as 'anterior', 'middle'and 'posterior'.
After the skull was exposed with a central skin incision and soft tissue was removed with a cotton tip, a circular craniotomy approximately 4 mm in diameter was made in the middle of the right parietal bone, approximately 0.5 mm from the sagittal, coronal, and lambdoid sutures, while leaving the dura intact.
The exact incidence of craniofacial anomalies is not known in the country, however, for craniosynostosis, it has been found as 2 per 2,360 live births in the northern part of the country.8 Single-suture synostosis most commonly affects the sagittal suture, followed by the coronal, metopic and lambdoid sutures.1
The objective of the present study is to observe the chronology and pattern of union of endocranial sutures namely coronal, sagittal and lambdoid etc., to detect bilateral and bisexual variations in endocranial suture closure if any, to specify the relationship between progression of union of endocranial suture and age of the subject to formulate a practical method of estimation of age by studying the progression of the closure of cranial sutures.
The braincase is large, smooth, and globose; the lambdoid crests are developed only in older individuals.
Other features of fronto-occipital head shaping are an increased suture complexity (interdigitation), especially of the lambdoid suture on the back of the skull, and a higher prevalence of posteriorly placed wormian bones within this suture (Gerszten 1993:94; Gottlieb 1978:213-4; O'Loughlin 2004:152; Tiesler 2014:44-5; but see also El-Najjar and Dawson 1977:158-9).
Then he surveys lambdoid, coronal, metopic, and sagittal synostosis.