

resembling a law, or resembling legal proceedings, terminology, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Laws just are the powers of things inscribed into their natures, and yet are still lawlike insofar as they express unchanging dispositions.
Effective employment insurance programs thus bolster the same Hayekian discovery processes that are enabled by other lawlike institutions.
would make their exercise of discretion "lawlike and
The development of theories in the social sciences follows an apparently lawlike pattern: at the outset some more or less precise theoretical ideas are advanced.
Without a firm grounding in existing law, its pursuit of stability and impersonality may yield a system that's more lawlike than lawful.
I thought about the lawlike constancy of the four-four rhythm, how it gave me just enough time to anticipate and slide into the next beat, how the complex syncopations offered just enough predictable inconstancy for me to adjust and find new spaces inside the divisions, how the melody radiating out through the meter would prompt me to lift or sink and how my hands or head would work with or against it.
The first argument states: "The method of the natural sciences consists in explaining the regularities in nature with the help of lawlike statements.
481, 492 (2015) (concluding that key impediments to a lawlike approach to statutory interpretation across the federal judicial hierarchy "stem from the Court's own inconsistency and from the inherently slippery, non-lawlike nature of many interpretive rules").
"The human mind itself, when exercising its rationally structured spontaneity, prescribes the basic laws of morality and religion to itself, just as it legislates the universal and necessary lawlike patterns that nature itself obeys" (ibid).
Stoeger writes: "As we move into the science of complex chemical molecules, into biology, neurophysiology, psychology, economics, politics, and sociology, these problems increase and prevent us from describing phenomena in anything like the lawlike and rigidly predictable way to which we are accustomed in physics and mathematics." (16) For Stoeger, then, our laws of nature and the theories that enshrine them are carefully constructed models, incomplete and imperfect descriptions of what we observe in the far more complex world around us.
(127) By binding ourselves to act in lawlike ways that can be universalized, we appreciate others by not impeding upon their choices.