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(Cookery) a semiliquid food made from curdled milk in N Africa and the Levant
[C17: from Arabic laban]
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References in classic literature ?
Those who can read German will find an excellent guide, in this respect, in Frau Foerster-Nietzsche's exhaustive and highly interesting biography of her brother: "Das Leben Friedrich Nietzsche's" (published by Naumann); while the works of Deussen, Raoul Richter, and Baroness Isabelle von Unger- Sternberg, will be found to throw useful and necessary light upon many questions which it would be difficult for a sister to touch upon.
[2] "Karl Strickland: sein Leben und seine Kunst," by Hugo Weitbrecht-Rotholz, Ph.D.
angelangt) hat Jesus Sirach noch einmal versucht, die durch Zweifel verdunkelte Lehre von der Entsprechung zwischen einem gottesfurchtigen Gehorsam gegen die Gebote und einem gesegneten Leben unter Berufung auf das Zeugnis der Schrift zu stabilisieren.26 Dabei suchte er seinen Schulern schon im 2.
German film Das Leben der Anderen, by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, picked up the Oscar for best foreign language film, something the Commission was quick to point out might be at least partially due to the around 500 million provided through the EU's MEDIA programme to help distribute it.
Victoria, of Cleadon, said: "I was studying for my A Level music exam before the festival so I performed pieces that I was singing for my A Level recital, such as Non so piu from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro and Der Ring from Schumann's Frauenliebe und Leben Songcycle.
But perhaps hobbypopMUSEUM owe their biggest debt to Konrad Lueg and Gerhard Richter's performance Leben mit Pop: eine Demonstration fur den kapitalistischen Realismus (Life with Pop: A Demonstration for Capitalist Realism), 1963, at a Dusseldorf furniture store.
Psalms and prophetic books, which combine a variety of short units, and often contain significant hints about the Sitz im Leben or social settings of the constituent pieces, are most suitable for form-critical analysis.
Leben, an oceanographer at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
The fragments had been last accounted for by Karl Rosenkranz in his Hegel's Leben (Berlin, 1844), and were misplaced in the manuscript section of the Berlin State Library sometime afterward.
Heineman adopted this concept from Meyer/Schulze, Wie wir das alles geschafft haben, Alleinstehende Frauen berichten uber ihr Leben nach 1945 (1985).
Chamisso's early poetry--as, for example, the cycle of poems Frauen-Liebe und Leben ("Woman's Love and Life"), set to music by Robert Schumann--depicted simple emotions with a sentimental naivete.