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any very tall tree of the genus Lecythis
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Adanson), or from plants (probably under bark): Lecythis corrugata (Poiteau), Persea borbonia (L.), Pouteria egregia (Sandwith), Touliciapulvinata (Radlkofer), and Vismia guianensis (Aublet).
La reserva, caracterizada por el bioma xerofilo-semiseco tropical, es un bosque secundario de vegetacion caducifolia, dominado por palma de vino (Attalea butyracea), camajon (Sterculia apetala), orejero (Enterolobium cyclocarpum), ceiba bonga (Ceiba pentandra), olla de mono (Lecythis magdalenica) y ceiba tulua (Bombacopsis quinata), ademas de algunos remanentes de mangle hacia la periferia occidental de la costa.
M., is one of about 230 species of the genus, which, as most folk know, is a member of the Myrtle family, and is therefore distantly related to the Pomegranate (Punica), the Monkey Nut (Lecythis), and more loosely to Melaleuca, Callistemon, Tristania, and Eugenia.
(araracanga), Trattinnickia glaziovii Swart (breu-sucuruba), Lecythis holcogyne (Sandwith) S.A.
Na parcela A foram monitoradas 532 arvores que tem, como especies de maior predominancia, as Escheweleira, Licania octandra, Lecythis, Pouteria decorticans, Swartzia racemosa, Rinoria guianensis e Vouacapoua americana.