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(Biochemistry) a protein obtained mainly from the seeds of leguminous plants
[C19: from legume]
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Recent studies showed that Ara h1 was considered as major peanut allergen (Koppelman et al., 2010) and Ara h 1, a vicilin; Ara h 2, a 2S albumin; and Ara h 3, a legumin, are also major peanut allergens (Bublin et al., 2013).Similarly, in consistent with findings of aforementioned studies, our results also indicated the presence of Ara h 1, Ara h 2 and Ara h3 in peanut extract.
Roux, "Ana o 2, a major cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) nut allergen of the legumin family," International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, vol.
Gliadin and Legumin. Gliadin is a gluten protein extracted from wheat.
indicated the legumin and vicilin, two main legume seed storage proteins, as binders and cogelling agents in surimi gels [45].
Cow's milk 14% Nuts 16% Sesame 5% Wheat 5% Legumes and legumin uses 8% Seafood 8% Fruits 35% Eggs 19% Spices 14% Others 8% Note: Table made from bar graph.
Sequences responsible for the tissue specific promoter activity of a pea legumin gene in tobacco.
(Repellin et al., 2000; Datta, 2004; Bajaj y Mohanty, 2005; Lu y Yang, 2009; Chen et al., 2009) Gen Origen Producto ssp de arroz Lys Frijol Proteina rica Japonica en lisina Sb401 Papa Proteina rica Japonica-Indica en lisina Psy Narciso Sintesis de Japonica-Indica [beta]-carotenos crt1 Erwinia Sintesis de Japonica-Indica [beta]-carotenos B-faseolina Frijol Proteina rica Japonica en lisina Glisina Soya Proteina de Japonica almacenamiento Legumin Arveja Proteina de Japonica almacenamiento AmA1 Amaranto Proteina rica Japonica en aminoacidos Lactoferrina Hombre Proteina de leche Japonica Ferritina Soya Proteina rica Japonica-Indica en hierro Tabla 7.
The pea seed storage protein legumin was synthesized, processed, and accumulated stably in transgenic rice endosperm.