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vb (tr)
to rely on or trust
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References in periodicals archive ?
The team will split their cash between three causes: Project Scotland, which helps young people into volunteering roles, the charity Lippen Care, and Motor Neurone Disease Scotland, which supports people affected by the debilitating condition.
The guests were enthralled by the lilting music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Overture from Le Nozze di Figaro," Johann Strauss II's "Overture from Die Fledermaus," "Lippen Schweigen" from The Merry Widow by Franz Lehar and arranged by P.
// Tu lo meces bajando la trocha / que en lo hondo del ascua de los arboles ansia la nieve / tu lo meces hasta la palabra / que alli nombra lo que ya es blanco en ti." (Waldig /// Waldig, von Hirschen georgelt, / umdrangt die Welt nun das Wort, / das auf den Lippen dir saumt, / durchgluht von gefristetem Sommer.
For the first time, WNO present this series with the extra dimension of song: recently appointed WNO Associate Artist for 2019, Soprano Harriet Eyley, will be joining the orchestra to sing four songs - Mozart's Bester Jungling, Lehar's Meine Lippen sie kussen so heiss and Vilja Lied, as well as the Laughing Song from Die Fledermaus.
'Meine Lippen, sie kussen so heiss' (My lips, they kiss so hotly) is sung by the passionate, headstrong Giuditta in Franz Lehar's 1934 operetta of the same name.
The Ben Lippen School broke ground on the first phase of $5.5 million expansion at its Monticello Road campus on Monday.
mokk ist in samtlichen alteren lexikographischen Quellen verzeichnet: lippen hangen lassen / mockat lasckma (Stahl 1637 : 87); Lefftze / huhl de hominibus mock de pecoribus dicitur, Item de labro inferiori, v.g.
Geumgang" will be performed along with six well-known foreign pieces such as the song "All I Ask of You" from the popular Broadway musical "The Phantom of the Opera" by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Franz Lehar's "Lippen Schweigen" from operetta "Die lustige Witwe."
Das Lied hat Fleisch und Rippen, Hat Hand und Fuss; es lacht und kufit Mit schongereimten Lippen. And now in a very inadequate translation,
Lippen, Einfuhrung in die altagyptische Rechtsgeschichte, Einfuhrungen und Quellentexte zur Agyptologie 5 (Berlin, 2008), 47-49 und 77-84.