

very untidy or covered in litter
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"So she invites her father and sister to a second day's dinner (if those sides, or ontrys, as she calls 'em, weren't served yesterday, I'm d--d), and to meet City folks and littery men, and keeps the Earls and the Ladies, and the Honourables to herself.
Bendixen, "Littery occurrence of anophthalmia or microphthalmia together with other malformations in swine--presumably due to vitamin A deficiency of the maternal diet," Acta Path Microb Scand, vol.
See Bruce Curtis, '"Littery Merit,' 'Useful Knowledge,' and the Organization of Township Libraries in Canada West, 1840- 1860," Ontario History 78,4 (1986): 285-311.
The May 17 imperial Wier Vetes notes that Connie Perez has been appointed to the California Littery Commission ...
Geoff Baker, 54, once Sir Paul's right hand man, is also earning extra cash while he picks up the litter by charging pounds 5 for tours of the area, under the name Lyme Littery Tours.
Lowry's Littery Man: Mark Twain and Modern Authorship (New York: Oxford UP, 1996).
"The Minor and the 'Littery' Men: Mark Twain's 'Bewildering Blunder.
Lowry, "Littery Man"." Mark Twain and Modern Authorship (Oxford UP, 1996), p.