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a tree with lopped branches, used as landmark
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Located in and around the authentic mountain town of Jasper, Alberta and surrounded by the pristine Canadian Rockies, the seven Mountain Park Lodges properties include: Sawridge Inn and Conference Centre (152 guest rooms); Pyramid Lake Resort (62 guest rooms); The Crimson Hotel (99 guest rooms); Chateau Jasper (119 guest rooms); Pocahontas Cabins (57 guest rooms); Marmot Lodge (107 guest rooms); and Lobstick Lodge (139 guest rooms).
Another parcel of three townships, on which the surveys have just been completed, were thrown open in the Lobstick Lake region, directly west of the city and 60 miles from Edmonton as the crow flies.
STANDING WAIST-DEEP at the mouth of the Lobstick River, I scanned the skies over Chip Lake for passing skeins of diving ducks.
Nominated in the First Nations University of Canada Aboriginal Peoples' Publishing Award are Gabriel Dumont Institute for Leah Marie Dumont's My First Metis Lobstick; MacKenzie Art Gallery for Michelle LaVallee's 7: Professional Native Indian Artists Inc.; and Purich Publishing for Louttit's Indian Ernie.
Metis artist Leah Dorion erected a lobstick pole in honour of Eleanor Garneau, an original Edmonton Metis resident.
This excerpt from Manitoban author Douglas Dirkin's 1921 novel The Lobstick Trail will seem a bit unusual to modern readers, particularly for the self-assured tone and outlandish claims of its speaker, the novel's hero Kirk Bradner.
For a discussion of the imposition of laws, see Brian Calliou, "The Imposition of State Laws and the Creation of Various Hunting Rights for Aboriginal Peoples of the Treaty 8 Territory" (1999-2000) 1 Lobstick: An Interdisciplinary J.
The Fairmont-owned Jasper Park Lodge isn't cheap, but the town has many other options including the decent, but more affordable, Amethyst, Marmot and Lobstick Lodges.
The Fairmont-owned Jasper Park Lodge isn't cheap but the town has many other options including the decent, but more affordable, Amethyst, Marmot and Lobstick Lodges.
The Fairmont-ownedJasper Park lodge isn't cheap but the town has many other options including the decent,but more affordable,Amethyst,Marmot and Lobstick lodges.
Six hundred kilometres from Sheshatshiu, a place called Lobstick Lodge that Rich said she believes the federal government and the Mennonite Central Committee have paid for, is slated to open the second week of January.
Her most recent works include illustrating the children's book, My First Lobstick; working on an ArtsSmarts mural project at James L.