long jump

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Related to Longjump: triple jump

long jump

A jump in track and field that is made for distance rather than height, performed either from a stationary position or from a moving start.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

long jump



(Athletics (Track & Field)) an athletic contest in which competitors try to cover the farthest distance possible with a running jump from a fixed board or mark. Former Austral, US, and Canadian equivalent: broad jump
long jumping n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

long′ jump`

1. a jump for distance from a running start.
2. an athletic field event featuring competition in the long jump. Also called broad jump.
long′jump`, v.i.
long′ jump`er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.long jump - a competition that involves jumping as far as possible from a running startlong jump - a competition that involves jumping as far as possible from a running start
run-up - the approach run during which an athlete gathers speed
field event - a competition that takes place on a field rather than on a running track
2.long jump - the act of jumping as far as possible from a running start
jumping - the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
قَفْزَةٌ طَوِيْلَةٌقَفْزَة طَويلَه
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skok u dalj
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skok v daljavo
nhảy xa

long jump

nsalto in lungo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(loŋ) adjective
1. measuring a great distance from one end to the other. a long journey; a long road; long legs.
2. having a great period of time from the first moment to the last. The book took a long time to read; a long conversation; a long delay.
3. measuring a certain amount in distance or time. The wire is two centimetres long; The television programme was just over an hour long.
4. away, doing or using something etc for a great period of time. Will you be long?
5. reaching to a great distance in space or time. She has a long memory
1. a great period of time. This happened long before you were born.
2. for a great period of time. Have you been waiting long?
ˈlongways adverb
in the direction of the length. The planks had to go into the lorry longways.
ˌlong-ˈdistance adjective
long-distance races; a long-distance lorry-driver; a long-distance telephone call.
ˌlong-drawn-ˈout adjective
taking a needlessly long time. long-drawn-out discussions.
ˈlonghand noun
ordinary writing as opposed to shorthand.
long house
in tribal societies, a long rectangular dwelling shared by several families, especially in south-east Asia and amongst North American Indians.
long jump
a sports contest in which people jump as far as possible.
long-playing record (usually abbreviated to LP)
a record which plays for a long time.
ˌlong-ˈrange adjective
1. able to reach a great distance. long-range rockets.
2. taking into consideration a long period of time. a long-range weather forecast.
ˌlong-ˈsighted adjective
having difficulty in seeing close objects clearly.
ˌlong-ˈsightedness noun
ˌlong-ˈsuffering adjective
patiently enduring a great deal of trouble.
ˌlong-ˈwinded adjective
(of a speaker or his speech) tiresomely long.
as long as / so long as
1. provided only that. As/So long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what you do.
2. while; during the time that. As long as he's here I'll have more work to do.
before (very) long
soon. Come in and wait – he'll be here before long!
in the long run
in the end. We thought we would save money, but in the long run our spending was about the same as usual.
the long and the short of it
the whole story in a few words.
no longer
not now as in the past. This cinema is no longer used.
so long!
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

long jump

قَفْزَةٌ طَوِيْلَةٌ skok daleký længdespring Weitsprung άλμα εις μήκος salto de longitud pituushyppy saut en longueur skok u dalj salto in lungo 幅跳び 멀리뛰기 verspringen lengdehopp skok w dal salto em comprimento, salto em distância прыжок в длину längdhopp กระโดดไกล uzun atlama nhảy xa 跳远
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
He also played rugby union for the Barbarians, and in 1893 he set a world longjump record.
The recipient, Malaika Mihambo, gold medallist in the longjump, had been born in Heidelberg to a Tanzanian mother and a German father.
"That's not to say I don't love longjump - I really do.
think about extending Lim, Porter, & longjump your knees as rapidly as Gerardo (2016) (distance) possible." EXT: "...
Soraya Crodden, 10th U/15 100m 14.14; 6th 75m hurdles 14.75; 16th longjump 3.47m.
Clockwise from left, Team GB's heroes of Super Saturday at London 2012, Mo Farah in the 10,000m, heptathlete Jessica Ennis and longjump gold medal winner Greg Rutherford
Former British longjump record holder Tomlinson and leading Teesside athletics coach Rick Betts will join foundation trustees on the FAST fund's selection panel.
Famous faces taking part include rugby icon Gareth Thomas, West End star Connie Fisher, longjump legend Lynn "the leap" Davies and TV personality Gethin Jones.
A FIRED-UP Greg Rutherford hit back at his critics after completing the full set of major titles by landing longjump gold at the World Championships in Beijing.
Boys under-15; 100m 3 Jack Edwards 11.7 B4 George Hinchcliffe 12.8; 200m 5 Jack Edwards 24.7 B5 Connor Jelley 28.2; 300m 4 George Hinchcliffe 42.4 B3 Joshua McMurry 47.0; 800m 2 Daniel Hargrave 2.15.8 B2 Miles Clisham 2.24.3; 1500m 3 Tom Keenan 4.56.5 B2 Lucas Bennett 5.03.8 ; 80mH 5 Joshua McMurry 16.7; discus 2 Dome Forde 21.59 2 Jack Carter 20.63; hammer 3 Kieran Hazell 22.93 B1 Dome Forde 17.89; javelin 2 Kieran Hazell 33.50 B1 Jack Carter 27.42; shot 2 Kieran Hazell 8.97 B4 Dome Forde 6.79; longjump 3 Jack Edwards 4.96 B2 Connor Jelley 4.70; high-jump 3 Daniel Hargrave 1.45 B3 Joshua McMurry 1.30.
As professionals practise fencing in the distance - I fear for their concentration - the Miss World hopefuls take part in 60m sprints, 400m relays, a long-400m relays, a longjump and a bleep (multi-fitness) test.