
(redirected from macacos)


(məˈkɑːkəʊ; -ˈkeɪ-)
n, pl -cos
(Animals) any of various lemurs, esp Lemur macaco, the males of which are usually black and the females brown
[C18: from French mococo, of unknown origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
The famous Fountain of Youth, if I am rightly informed, is situated in the southern part of the Floridian peninsula, not far from Lake Macaco. Its source is overshadowed by several gigantic magnolias, which, though numberless centuries old, have been kept as fresh as violets by the virtues of this wonderful water.
Release date- 15082019 - Aiming to protect the communities and reduce the impact on the environment, Vale is carrying out three impoundment projects in areas downstream of the dams: Sul Superior (Barao de Cocais), B3/B4 (community at Macacos, in Nova Lima), and in the flood spot of Forquilha I, II, III, IV and Grupo dams.
The dams that will move to level three are: B3 / B4, at the Mar Azul Mine in Macacos / Nova Lima, and the Forquilha I and Forquilha III dams, at the Fabrica Mine, in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais.
Alem desses animais, peixes, ovelhas, caes, gatos, macacos e outros modelos alternativos tambem foram citados.
This model of work was implemented in a violent Rio de Janeiro favela called Morro dos Macacos. The community-based primary care service is called Family Health Strategy (FHS).
Papagaios, gambAs, bugios, macacos, quatis, veados, esquilos e capivaras sao alguns dos outros animais presentes nessa lista (VIEIRA; IOB, 2009).