
Also found in: Acronyms.


a measure of capacity, varying between regions and dependent upon the commodity measured
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Mae un yn dangos y mawn fel peiriant amser ac un arall yn dangos yr adnoddau ddaeth o'r gors - rhywogaethau fel eithin a rhedyn, dau blanhigyn oedd a nifer o swyddogaethau pwysig iddyn nhw.
"First in time is first in line as they say," Mawn said.
Trying to return to and maintain normalcy was a central theme for chronically ill children and their families (Mawn, 1999).
Figure 6d shows the intraannual variability of soil moisture measured at 10 cm for the MAWN stations that are located in Michigan and Door County, Wisconsin.
Lauren Mawn, youth mental health researcher at Durham University's Wolfson Research Institute on Queen's Campus, Stockton Riverside, said: "Campaigns like this are so vitally important.
Os riscos podem afetar os objetivos e as metas da organizacao, e quando isso ocorre a mesma precisa investir em programas de prevencao e minimizacao de riscos (O'reilly-Allen & Mawn, 2011).
Northbridge: Matthew Abrain, Dorothy Calabro, Rachel Fleming, Julie Anne Gonynor, Megan Mawn, Jordan Thompson
The victim's propensity to leave the job (considering or looking for alternative employment, changing work practices, claiming to leave) (Johnson & Rea, 2009; McKenna et al., 2003; Nam, 2010; Quine, 2001; Rocker, 2008; Rutherford & Rissel, 2004; Simons & Mawn, 2010; Simons, Stark, & DeMarco, 2011) and work absenteeism were the most common phenomena followed by poor productivity, low job satisfaction, leaving for another job or leaving nursing profession all together, and leading to a high turnover of staffing for the organization.
Bullying involves a power gradient and is an ongoing conflict occurring over a minimum of 6 months (Simons & Mawn, 2010).
Artsanthia, Exploring the Undertake Concurrent Mawn, Chaiphi- palliative a needs convergent balsarisdi et care needs assessment al.
However, in 1430 when two contingents of Muslim Army from Bengal, comprising of more than 50,000 soldiers, restored the fleeing Arakanese king Narameikhla (Maung Saw Mawn) to the throne of Arakan, and a great many of them were asked to protect the regime against any future Burmese invasion, the new settlements of the Muslim garrison around the new capital city of Mrohang (Mrauk-U) greatly added to the size of the minority Muslim community.
A diolch hefyd i Sam Jones, Bangor am yr atgofion o ladd a sychu mawn yng nghwm Eidda - roeddwn i'n amau y basa rhywun yn siwr o gofio!