Book of Esther

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Related to Megilla: Megillat Esther
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Noun1.Book of Esther - an Old Testament book telling of a beautiful Jewess who became queen of Persia and saved her people from massacre
Old Testament - the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible
Hagiographa, Ketubim, Writings - the third of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures
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Rashi's Commentary on Tractate Megilla: A Critical Edition [Hebrew].
This week, Daf Yomi readers began a new tractate, Megilla, which deals with the holiday of Purimthe day on which we read the Megilla or Scroll of Esther.
65-66) tell us will be through worms that enter Gog and Magog's ears--similar stories are associated in the Jewish tradition with other villains, e.g., in the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Megilla, 11a, it is the Roman emperor Titus who is killed when God sends a mosquito into his nose.
(42) See Rabbi Johanan of Tiberias (third century CE): "Whoever denies idolatry is called a Jew" (BT Megilla 13a).
Here the discussion begins with a bereita from Megilla 23a:
The Sages also interpreted the biblical names of women on the basis of their beauty, including Isca who would be kept safe by her beauty (Babylonian Talmud, Megilla 14a), and Ziporra (the root of the name meaning - Look and see [how beautiful]).
This phrase is mentioned in the talmudic tractate Megilla 18a, where it is asked how a person who does not understand Hebrew can possibly fulfill the obligation of hearing the Megilla when it is read in the Hebrew language.
DI MEGILLA FUN ITZIK MANGER (The Megilla of Itzik Manger) CBS 7011
The result is a phenomenon known in Yiddish as "giving the ganze megilla," or being told more than one needs to know about almost everything.
He also co-produced the 1964 Broadway production of Rolf Hochhuth's "Deputy," one of the first plays to challenge the Vatican's silence during the Holocaust, as well as Broadway's "The Megilla of Itzik Manger" and tooner "I'm Solomon," both in 1968.
The ninth blessing of the prayer known as the "amida" reads as follows: "Bless on our behalf, O Lord our God, this year, and every species of its produce, for the best; and bestow a blessing upon the face of the earth and satisfy us from its bounty." Although there is no direct reference in this prayer to hoarders, price predators, or cunning profiteers, the Babylonian Talmud, in Megilla, claims that this prayer was established as a prayer for divine protection against individuals who would raise prices unjustly (17b).
Megilla 72a, Genesis Rabba 66.6, in addition to Tosefta 5.21.