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Related to menad: maenad, Menas


(Classical Myth & Legend) a variant spelling of maenad
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmi næd)

2. a frenzied or raging woman.
[1570–80; < Latin Maenad- (s. of Maenas) < Greek Mainás a bacchante, literally, madwoman]
mae•nad′ic, adj.
mae′nad•ism, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Avant d'affronter la Tanzanie Luni soir, au stade Al-Salam du Caire, lors de son dernier match de poule, l'Algerie avait a coeur de realiser un carton plein.C'est desormais chose faite, puisque les Fennecs n'en ont fait qu'une bouchee des Taifa Stars (3-0), reeditant ainsi la performance de la generation des Megharia, Cherif El Ouazani, Madjer, Menad, ..., realisee lors de l'edition 1990, ou elle avait reussi un parcours sans faute lors du premier tour.
L'Algerien Djamel Menad avait remporte le titre de meilleur buteur avec 4 realisations, devancant son compatriote Djamel Amani et le Nigerian Rashidi Yekini (3 goals chacun).
Algeria's assistant coach Djamel Menad suggested over the weekend that Slimani was doubtful for the game against Iran.
Andy Scarisbrick and Menad Messar-Aghilasse hit the target for Prescot Cables Reserves but it was Capenhurst Villa who profited with goals from Lee Ludgate, Mike Henry and Shaun Weaver steering the visitors to a 3-2 result.
Adam crafted and honed his skills further after being inspired by diverse musical influences before migrating to France, where he formed Ezza with bassist Menad Moussaoui from Algeria and native Frenchman and drummer St`phane Gratteau.
The authors thank the staffs of the ITGC-Agricultural Research Stations of Guelma, Khroub, Setif, Sidi Bel Abbes and Saida for their technical assistance in the management of the field trials, particularly MM Tahar Hazmoune, Hocine Zerargui and Abdelkader Menad. MM Mostapha Kamar for his assistance in the Center Regional of Agricultural Research, Rabat, Morocco.
We are very pleased that people have made time to see us during their Global Village visit, especially seeing as they have a lot of choice when it comes to entertainment," Mehdy Menad, FMX Group's manager, said.
Mehdy Menad, FMX manager said: "The show has been getting a great response from the crowds.
Five stars from the team - Djamel Menad, Mohamed Chaib, Mohamed Kaci-Said, Salah Larbes and Mustapha Kiouici - all have children with illnesses or birth defects.
Professor Blau Menad, head of clinical and biochemistry services at the Children's Hospital in Zurich, said PKU is characterized by elevated blood phenylalanine (Phe) levels which are toxic for the brain.
Finally, as has been my practice over the decades, I minimize arcane words, such as ADMEN MENAD, ANCLE CLEAN, BALSA SABAL, and DOZEN ZENDO.