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Related to Merce: mercer
v. t.1.To subject to fine or amercement; to mulct; to amerce.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Throughout 2019, the Merce Cunningham Trust continues a global celebration that will be one of the largest tributes to a dance artist ever.
Yellow- and gray-clad dancers orbit around one another In the late choreographer Merce Cunningham's "Sounddance "This hypnotizing image reflects the American artist's legacy, In that all the components, from the set to the score, were Independently crafted and brought together right before the 1975 premiere.
As I write, the Merce Cunningham Dance Company is coming to the end of a month-long domestic segment of its Legacy Tour, in Chicago.
Merce Cunningham was a spatial rhythmitician--he'd stab at the air unerringly with the choice of body parts that would not "make a noise" as the feet will when they stamp or land on the ground guiding the body in its return from space.
BARCELONA, Sep 23, 2009 (TUR) -- Barcelona's most famous art and culture festival "La Merce" has taken start on Wednesday with songs of Istanbul.
0 * Written and directed by Juan Luis Iborra and Yolanda Garcia Serrano * Starring Carlos Fuentes, Victor Ullate Jr., Merce Pons, Georges Corraface * TLA Releasing
This volume is the first in the series of studies of Merce Rodoreda's work to be sponsored by the Foundation that bears her name and by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
When the Merce Cunningham Dance Company gave its final performance on December 31, 2011--the culmination of its two-year, international Legacy Tour--many people wondered what would happen to Cunningham's vast, pioneering body of work.
Given Merce Cunningham's lifelong capacity for reinvention, it is no surprise that he is posthumously pushing the Walker Art Center to rethink how and what it collects.
One of the earlier pieces, the lyrical, Satie-inspired Experiences, was written for dancer-choreographer Merce Cunningham, Cage's partner and artistic collaborator for almost five decades.