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Related to mesne: Mesne process, Mesne profits


1. (Law) intermediate or intervening: used esp of any assignment of property before the last: a mesne assignment.
2. (Law) mesne profits rents or profits accruing during the rightful owner's exclusion from his land
[C15: from legal French meien in the middle, mean3]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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According to court documents, the consent order covered the element of mesne (intermediate) profits at Sh900,000.00 per month.
property from mesne or final process for laborers' or mechanics' wages
Community/u 12 12 (100.00%) blizini Mesne zajed- nice Stari Ledinci, in 17.
(287.) Nathan Levy, Jr., Mesne Process in Personal Actions at Common Law and the Power Doctrine, 78 Yale L.J.
Otros senores menores (mesne lords), que tambien tenian vasallos, pero que estaban ellos mismos sometidos como vasallos a un senor mas alto, no estaban obligados al primer seisin, aunque estaban tambien obligados a pagar diversas tasas (reliefs) a sus senores.
Edward's statute was vigorously enforced by mesne lords and the crown, at least through the end of the fourteenth century.
By the common law process, whether of mesne attachment or execution, property is reached only through a personal defendant, and then only to the extent of his title.
The move comes after more than 40 reports of concern from members of the public since the start of the year in the Clifford's Mesne and May Hill areas of Newent.
112, 117 ("[I]fany person or persons shall knowingly and wilfully obstruct, resist or oppose any officer of the United States, in serving or attempting to serve or execute any mesne process, or warrant, or any rule or order of any of the courts of the United States, or any other legal or judicial writ or process whatsoever, or shall assault, beat or wound any officer, or other person duly authorized, in serving or executing any writ, rule, order, process or warrant aforesaid, every person so knowingly and wilfully offending in the premises, shall, on conviction thereof, be imprisoned not exceeding twelve months, and fined not exceeding three hundred dollars.").
[T]o be 'recorded' within the chain of title even under statutes that include priority of recording as a prerequisite for protection, a purchaser is obliged to have recorded not only the final instrument to her, but also mesne transfers connecting her instrument with the common grantor."); see also Clyde L.
- Pay 'mesne profits' (effectively, rent) to Apostolides in respect of the period of their occupation;