

(Units) one millionth of a mho or siemens
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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As the conductivity of the skin is very small, values are usually given in microsiemens ([micro]S) or micromho ([micro]mho) (1 [micro]S = 1 [micro]mho).
Another economic benefit of the EXA IC200 is that its single IC40 probe can replace a wide range of sensors because it is designed to measure conductivity from as low as 1 micromho per centimeter to as high as 2.
The switch is an excellent choice for a wide range of conductive liquids including those with light to medium coating or scaling characteristics, Flowline's new LP 15 Superguard TM capacitance level switch provides an accuracy of +1 mm in water, repeatability of +0.5mm in water, and a conductive range of >100 micromhos.
The variation of water parameters in the coastal area are Calcium 14 to 20 mg/lit, Magnesium 1 to 16 mg/lit, Sodium 53 to 92 mg/lit, Potassium 2 to 18 mg/lit, Bi-carbonate 79 to 153 mg/lit, Carbonate 24mg/lit, Sulphate 10 to 28mg/lit, Chloride 100 to 135 mg/lit, Nitrate 1 to 6 mg/lit, TDS 262 to 403 mg/lit, Hardness 85 to 165 mg/lit, Conductivity 410 to 1330 micromhos / cm,PH - Alkaline - 7.5 to 8.4.