

the middle of the leg
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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They had to climb a mountain with snow to the midleg, which increased their painful toil.
[Left midleg and right hind leg missing, parts of other legs except left foreleg damaged, abdomen damaged when dissected].
Thorax: Wing reaching third abdominal segment; foreleg and midleg reaching third abdominal segment and hind leg reaching sternite 8.
Foreleg sheath slightly exceeding to the basal margin of the abdominal segment 6, midleg sheath reaching the basal one-fifth of the abdominal segment 6, and hindleg sheath reaching the midlength of the abdominal segment 6.
At the forearm and midleg, the difference was 7% at 12 months.
Grooming sequences mostly started from antennal grooming followed by scraping antennal bases with ipsilateral foreleg and passing this foreleg through mouthparts and facultatively ended with midleg or/and hindleg grooming.
Markers were also located midthigh and midleg just anterior to the line connecting the proximal and distal segment markers.
3) pale brown except coxae and trochanters dark brown, hindfemur dark brown except base and extreme apex paler, hindtibia with subbasal, small dorsal dark spot; base of fore and midfemora brown (more evident on midleg), midtibia with subbasal, very small dark spot; femora and tibia with appresed striated brown scales; ventral palisade setae on tarsomeres 1-3 in all legs; hindtibial spur yellowish, length slightly shorter than width of hindtibia at midlength; hindtibial comb with two rows of spines, apical row with 8-9 spines, subapical row with 12-13 spines; prothoracic TR 0.86 (0.83-0.89, n = 11), mesothoracic TR 0.68 (0.62-0.73, n = 13), metathoracic TR 0.64 (0.59-0.69, n = 13); claws slender, curved; empodia present.
Mostly dark brown; face, front, vertex, temples and occiput dark brown; gena brown; clypeus and mandibles dark yellow (Figure 1e); labrum, labial and maxilar palp pale; antenna with scape and pedicel yellow and flagellomeres brown; mesoscutum dark brown; wings hyaline; tergum I yellowish; remaining terga light brown; ovipositor sheaths brown; foreleg and midleg from coxae to 3rd tarsomeres yellow, 4th and 5th tarsomeres yellowish brown; hindleg yellow from coxa to approximately 2/3 of tibia, the remaining 1/3 of tibia to the 5th tarsomere yellowish brown.
2); scutum finely punctate, scutellum smooth; scutum covered with short, dark semi-appressed hair-like setae; proepisternum, anterior and posterior parts of anepisternum, most of katepisternum, anepimeron, and laterotergite with short, semi-erect, whitish hair-like setae; foreleg entirely brownish black, except trochanter, which is more yellowish; midleg and hindleg each brownish black, except for trochanter, base of femur, and first 2 tarsomeres yellowish; legs with short, inconspicuous pilosity; wing almost imperceptibly infuscated, veins brownish, cell [r.sub.1] dark yellowish; haltere pale whitish yellow, stem slightly darker than knob.