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(Agriculture) an area or region where milk is produced for a particular community
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We are proud to be joining forces with a cooperative that is fiscally responsible and recognizes our members' investment." Foremost Farms Chairman Ed Brooks, Reedsburg, Wis., said, "We welcome the opportunity to grow our milkshed in Iowa, and look forward to working with the new membership." Foremost Farms, headquartered in Baraboo, Wis., recently marked its 10th anniversary.
Dairy services delivery in Debrezeit milkshed of Ada'a District, Central Ethiopia: analyzing options to develop pluralistic service delivery in the dairy sector.
The Maple Hill Creamery Milkshed now numbers over 100 small farms.
New York's southern tier, which refers to the counties west of the Catskill Mountains just north of Pennsylvania, was once known as New York City's milkshed and egg basket.
The market order helped stabilize prices within the Northeast milkshed. Price issues and controls continued to be a concern into the 1940s, but the cooperative dug deep during the war years to help ensure an Allied victory.
Epidemiologic investigations of Q fever in a major milkshed region of the United States of America.
1931 (frame 32-8), ERUP Film; ERB, typed speech "Minutes of Milkshed Conference," Philadelphia, 11 May 1933, box 3, folder 28, ERBP; ERB to Lem Harris, 4 Jan.
It is a very valuable asset to the cooperative and the milkshed in the Waumandee Valley."