

adj, -tier or -tiest
full of milt
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Say, Anne, Milty Boulter says his mother says you're going to college to see if you can catch a man.
One of these officials was Milton Bearden, a famed CIA officer (his close friends refer to him as "Uncle Milty") who, during his time as a station chief in Pakistan, had helped to head up the CIA's war against the Soviets in the mid 1980s.
Allan's novel takes up what Daniel Coleman has characterized as the common Canadian allegory of the "maturing colonial son," in which the nascent nation demonstrates its maturity (and its superiority to the United States) through its ability to civilize "less-fortunate people, whether world-weary immigrants needing a peaceful new home, even more weary Aboriginals, who were believed to be fast approaching extinction, or francophone adopted brothers." (11) Instead, in This Time a Better Earth Bob and his multicultural American and Canadian comrades learn how to be good soldiers and citizens from one of the novel's only Jewish characters, Milty Schwartz, who eventually ascends to the role of sergeant.
Television" and the pet name "Uncle Milty." Brooklyn Irish comedian Jackie Gleason did much of the same both on his own variety show and in the classic skit, The Honeymooners.
Loud pops can be reduced by removing static from records using a $100 Milty Zerostat gun.
Trevor Peterson Tommy Ricky Ullman Dippy Greg Roman Angel Adam Rose Spit Sam Murphy Doorman Dohn Norwood Baby-Face Martin Jeremy Sisto Hunk Dennis Cockrum Philip Griswald Benjamin Platt Governess Carol Androsky Milty Josh Sussman Drina Kathryn Hahn Mr.
I think Ginsburg is inclined to give drafting advice, only perhaps more tolerant drafting advice than that given in Mullaney and Sandstrom I like that in a justice (and you gotta like a justice who cites The Secret Life of Walter Milty in a case that's not even about the law of attempt).
Sheen's ratings -- pumped by his dark, piercing eyes, electrifying voice and flowing cape-were strong enough to win him the nickname "Uncle Fulty," a play off the "Uncle Milty" tag of Milton Berle, Sheen's imagined competition.
A brand that has been around since the days of Uncle Milty, Zenith is a staple product for most momand-pop retailers and has recently worked its way into mainstream electronics stores.
In those halcyon days, Mom would serve up frozen dinners as the family gathered round to watch Uncle Milty or, on occasion, while the kids were watching Captain Video, waiting for the babysitter to arrive.