

vb (tr)
to form or shape badly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The help provide by marital therapist provides them insight into their conjugal problems and to help in evaluation ones own cognition so that emotional and behavioral responses to one another will be minimally effected by misformed cognitions.
Slightly less than 20% (n = 7) of the transcriptions contained detectable erasures or characters that were misformed. Four transcriptions (10%) contained one character that was misformed, and two transcripts (5%) contained two characters that were misformed.
In both cases the Cognex Checker 3G1 vision sensors have been able to align every single bottle except for those with misformed sleeves."
To oppose elitism to a (postmodern) democratic leveling of literature to ecriture is a misformed dilemma, as Murray Krieger argued long ago.
These ranged from a component in the meniscus (Figure 3), scratches on the boards, misformed component leads, and overcrimped leads and wiring at the joint (Figure 4).
In Alzheimer's patients a protein, beta amyloid, misforms into plaques that destroy neurons, vital fibres in the brain that allow thinking and memory.
With time, however, virupa- acquires also the negative sense of "deformed, ugly," in which case bahurupa virupa ca might be rendered as "multiform and misformed." This pair, however, does not fit together, neither in a complementary nor in a contrastive sense--unlike the well-matched "multiform and varicolored." If we were to assume that the Chinese had interpreted virupa as "misformed" and translated it as "ugly aspects" (chou rongyi [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]), an explanation would be required for how "multiform" (bahurupa) had become "beautiful aspects" (hao rongyi [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]).
NAFTA's minimalist institutions--a few misformed dispute settlement mechanisms, an unstable executive and a network of committees whose mandates far exceeded their capabilities for fulfilling them--have left it with a chronic disease in which its norms are condemned to atrophy for lack of a continuing supply of political energy.
"Schoolin'" as a title is clearly unusual since it uses an abbreviated participle form as if it were a noun, instead of the standard noun, "the Schoolmaster." This "translation" might be seen as relatively neutral in effect (though such "mispronunciations" and "misformed" words traditionally function in English fiction as indicators of low social status and/or intelligence and as a source of humor).
For Osigweh (1989), problem is a misformed concept: the more a word like 'problem' is used for everything, the less we know what it means.
Paleontologists who recently discovered this misformed egg are using it to glean clues about dinosaurs' reproductive systems, they report in the March 31 SCIENCE.