

vb (tr)
to mark incorrectly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Second, while our equity holdings are valued at market prices, accounting rules require our collection of operating companies to be included in book value at an amount far below their current value, a mismark that has grown in recent years.
Activities: Mismark and mismatch solvents and other operating chemicals at the facility.
All retrievers, even those with MM's incredible marking talents, will occasionally mismark a bird or forget it after marking it.
The problem is even if a company doesn't mismark its products, and even if it pays into both Intellectual Ventures and RPX, there's still nothing to stop some other "regular" troll from alleging a patent violation.
Though it is not uncommon for brokers to deliberately mismark trades to cover up inappropriate recommendations, an order marked "solicited" will defeat the firm's defense that the customer ordered the purchase without any input from the company.
Experiments in "electoral literacy" have demonstrated that many people are going to mismark the ballots--either nullifying their vote or indicating the wrong party.
List suppliers often omit or mismark the tape label with the wrong key code or even the wrong list name.
The trading losses occurred against a backdrop of woefully deficient accounting controls in the CIO, including spreadsheet miscalculations that caused large valuation errors and the use of subjective valuation techniques that made it easier for the traders to mismark the CIO portfolio.
"There were a couple of coaches who questioned the (Finley) mark, but there's no evidence that there was a mismark," said Kristen Jacob Smith, the NCAA representative speaking for the committee.
"Citigroup's lax supervision and weak internal accounting controls allowed a handful of rogue traders to mismark positions over several years and, separately, resulted in the unnecessary loss of hundreds of millions of dollars of its shareholders' assets to fraud."