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adj.Superlative of many much
a. Greatest in number: won the most votes.
b. Greatest in amount, extent, or degree: has the most compassion.
2. In the greatest number of instances: Most fish have fins.
1. The greatest amount or degree: She has the most to gain.
2. Slang The greatest, best, or most exciting. Used with the: That party was the most!
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) The greatest part or number: Most of the town was destroyed. Most of the books were missing.
adv.Superlative of much
1. In or to the highest degree or extent. Used with many adjectives and adverbs to form the superlative degree: most honest; most impatiently.
2. Very: a most impressive piece of writing.
3. Informal Almost: Most everyone agrees.
at (the) most
At the maximum: We saw him for ten minutes at the most. She ran two miles at most.

[Middle English, from Old English mǣst, māst; see mē- in Indo-European roots. Adv., sense 3, short for almost.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. a great majority of; nearly all: most people like eggs.
b. (as pronoun; functioning as sing or plural): most of them don't know; most of it is finished.
2. the most
a. the superlative of many, much: you have the most money; the most apples.
b. (as pronoun): the most he can afford is two pounds.
3. at most at the most at the maximum: that girl is four at the most.
4. for the most part generally
5. make the most of to use to the best advantage: she makes the most of her accent.
6. than most than most others: the leaves are greener than most.
7. the most slang chiefly US wonderful: that chick's the most.
8. the most used to form the superlative of some adjectives and adverbs: the most beautiful daughter of all.
9. the superlative of much: people welcome a drink most after work.
10. (intensifier): a most absurd story.
11. informal or dialect US and Canadian almost: most every town in this state.
[Old English māst or mǣst, whence Middle English moste, mēst; compare Old Frisian maest, Old High German meist, Old Norse mestr]
Usage: More and most should be distinguished when used in comparisons. More applies to cases involving two persons, objects, etc, most to cases involving three or more
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. superl. of much or many with more as compar.
1. in the greatest number, amount, or degree: the most votes; the most talent.
2. in the majority of instances: Most operations are successful.
3. the greatest quantity, amount, or degree: The most I can hope for is a passing grade.
4. the greatest number or greater part of what is specified: Most of his writing is rubbish.
5. the greatest number: The most this room will seat is 150.
6. the majority of persons: to be happier than most.
7. the most, Slang. the ultimate in something.
adv. superl. of muchwithmoreas compar.
8. in or to the greatest extent or degree (often used before adjectives and adverbs, and regularly before those of more than two syllables, to form superlative phrases having the same force and effect as the superlative degree formed by the termination -est): most rapid; most wisely.
9. very: most puzzling.
10. Informal. almost or nearly.
at (the) most, to an extent not exceeding the whole; generally; usually.
[before 900; Middle English most(e), Old English māst; c. Old Frisian māst, Old Saxon mēst, Old High German, German meist, Old Norse mestr, Gothic maists. compare more]
usage: The adverb most as a shortened form of almost goes back to 16th-century England, and in that country it is now principally dialectal. In American English most occurs before such pronouns as all, anyone, and everyone; the adjectives all, any, and every; and adverbs like anywhere and everywhere: Most everyone here is related. The use is often objected to, but it is common in informal speech and writing.


a combining form of most occurring in a series of superlatives: foremost; utmost.
[Middle English -most; replacing Middle English, Old English -mest, double superlative suffix =-ma superlative suffix (as in Old English forma first; compare Latin prīmus) + -est -est1; later identified with most]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. used to mean 'the majority' or 'the largest part'

You use most or most of to talk about the majority of a group of things or people, or the largest part of something.

You use most in front of a plural noun which does not have a determiner, such as 'the' or 'a', or a possessive, such as 'my' or 'our', in front of it.

Most people agree that stealing is wrong.
In most schools, sports are compulsory.

You use most of in front of a pronoun, such as us or it, or in front of a noun which has a determiner or possessive noun in front of it.

Most of them enjoy music.
He used to spend most of his time in the library.

Be Careful!
When you use most like this, don't use a determiner in front of it. Don't say, for example, 'The most of them enjoy music.'

Be Careful!
Don't talk about 'the most part' of something. Don't say, for example, 'She had eaten the most part of the pizza'. Say 'She had eaten most of the pizza'.

2. used to form superlatives

Most is used in front of adjectives and adverbs to form superlatives.

It was the most interesting film I'd seen for a long time.
These are foods the body can digest most easily.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.most - (superlative of `many' used with count nouns and often preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the greatest in number; "who has the most apples?"; "most people like eggs"; "most fishes have fins"
superlative - an exaggerated expression (usually of praise); "the critics lavished superlatives on it"
fewest - (superlative of `few' used with count nouns and usually preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the smallest in number; "the fewest birds in recent memory"
2.most - the superlative of `much' that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the'; a quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree; "made the most money he could"; "what attracts the most attention?"; "made the most of a bad deal"
superlative - an exaggerated expression (usually of praise); "the critics lavished superlatives on it"
least - the superlative of `little' that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the'; a quantifier meaning smallest in amount or extent or degree; "didn't care the least bit"; "he has the least talent of anyone"
Adv.1.most - used to form the superlative; "the king cobra is the most dangerous snake"
least, to the lowest degree - used to form the superlative; "The garter snake is the least dangerous snake"
2.most - very; "a most welcome relief"
intensifier, intensive - a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies; "`up' in `finished up' is an intensifier"; "`honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier"
3.most - (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun nearly all, the majority, the mass, almost all, the bulk, the lion's share, the preponderance By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage caused.
Usage: More and most should be distinguished when used in comparisons. More applies to cases involving two people, objects, etc., most to cases involving three or more: John is the more intelligent of the two; he is the most intelligent of the students.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Much more than half:
To a high degree:
Informal: awful.
Chiefly Regional: mighty.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أغْلَبُأغْلَب، غالِبِيَّةأغْلَبِيَّهأكْثَرأكْثَر شيء، إلى أقْصى دَرَجَه
flestmestde flestedet mestenæsten
legtöbbtöbb: a legtöbb
flestir; mestmestmest, flestirmest; flestirmestan part; flestir
가장 많이대부분
daugių daugiausiadažniausiaididžiausioji daliskiek įmanoma pasinaudotilabiausiai
gandrīzlielākā daļaļotiturpat vaivairums
en çoken çok/fazlaen fazla/çoğuhemen hemenbüyük kısmı
hầu hếtnhất


1. (making comparisons) → más
who has (the) most money?¿quién tiene más dinero?
for the most partpor lo general
2. (= the majority of) → la mayoría de, la mayor parte de
most menla mayoría de or la mayor parte de los hombres
most people go out on Friday nightsla mayoría de or la mayor parte de la gente sale los viernes por la noche
B. N & PRON most of itla mayor parte
most of themla mayoría de ellos, la mayor parte de ellos
most of the moneyla mayor parte del dinero
most of the timela mayor parte del tiempo, gran parte del tiempo
most of those presentla mayoría de or la mayor parte de los asistentes
most of her friendsla mayoría de or la mayor parte de sus amigos
do the most you canhaz lo que puedas
at (the) most, at the very mostcomo máximo, a lo sumo
20 minutes at the most20 minutos como máximo or a lo sumo
to get the most out of a situationsacar el máximo partido a una situación
to make the most of sth (= make good use of) → aprovechar algo al máximo, sacar el máximo partido a algo; (= enjoy) → disfrutar algo al máximo
to make the most of one's advantagesaprovechar al máximo las propias ventajas
he made the most of the storyexplotó todas las posibilidades del cuento
1. (superl) → más
he spent mostél gastó más
the most difficult questionla pregunta más difícil
which one did it most easily?¿quién lo hizo con mayor facilidad?
2. (= extremely) → sumamente, muy
most holysantísimo
a most interesting bookun libro interesantísimo or sumamente interesante
you have been most kindha sido usted muy amable
most likelylo más probable MAJORITY, MOST
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= the majority of) → la plupart de
most people → la plupart des gens
most fish → la plupart des poissons
Most cats are affectionate → La plupart des chats sont affectueux.
(= the greatest amount of) → le plus de
the most work → le plus de travail
the teams with the most money → les équipes qui ont le plus d'argent
(= the majority) → la plupart
Most were from affluent backgrounds → La plupart venaient de familles aisées.
I saw most (= more than others) → c'est moi qui en ai vu le plus
most of (= the majority of) → la plupart de
most of my friends → la plupart de mes amis
most of the time → la plupart du temps
most of them → la plupart d'entre eux (= greater part of) → la plus grande partie de, la majeure partie de
most of the work → la majeure partie du travail, la plus grande partie du travail
most of the class → la majeure partie de la classe
most of the night → la majeure partie de la nuit
the most (= maximum) → le maximum
If you paid 20p, the most you can lose is 20p → Si vous payez 20 pence, le maximum que vous puissiez perdre est 20 pence.
the most he can do → tout ce qu'il peut faire
the most we can do → tout ce que nous pouvons faire
The most they earn a day is £10 → Ils gagnent au maximum 10 livres par jour.
at the most → au maximum
two hours at the most → deux heures au maximum
at the very most → tout au plus
to make the most of sth → profiter au maximum de qch
adv (= more than anything or anyone else) → le plus
what surprised me most → ce qui m'a le plus surpris
the most → le plus
He's the one who talks the most → C'est lui qui parle le plus.
the most (+ adj)
the most expensive restaurant → le restaurant le plus cher
the most expensive seat → la place la plus chère
the most expensive restaurants → les restaurants les plus chers
the most expensive seats → les places les plus chères
(= very) → très, extrêmement
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj superl
meiste(r, s); (= greatest) satisfaction, pleasure etcgrößte(r, s); (= highest) speed etchöchste(r, s); who has (the) most money?wer hat am meisten or das meiste Geld?; that gave me (the) most pleasuredas hat mir am meisten Freude or die größte Freude gemacht; for the most partgrößtenteils, zum größten Teil; (= by and large)im Großen und Ganzen
(= the majority of)die meisten; most men/peopledie meisten (Menschen/Leute); he’s better than most peopleer ist besser als die meisten anderen
n, pron (uncountable) → das meiste; (countable) → die meisten; most of itdas meiste; most of themdie meisten (von ihnen); most of the moneydas meiste Geld; most of his friendsdie meisten seiner Freunde; most of the winter/dayfast den ganzen Winter/Tag über; most of the timedie meiste Zeit, fast die ganze Zeit; (= usually)meist(ens); at (the) mosthöchstens; at (the) very mostallerhöchstens; to make the most of something (= make good use of)etw voll ausnützen; (= enjoy)etw in vollen Zügen genießen; to make the most of a storyso viel wie möglich aus einer Geschichte machen; to make the most of one’s looks or of oneselfdas Beste aus sich machen; the hostess with the mostest (inf)die Supergastgeberin (inf); it’s the most! (dated sl)das ist dufte! (dated sl)
superl (+vbs) → am meisten; (+adj) → -ste(r, s); (+adv) → am -sten; the most beautiful/difficult etcder/die/das schönste/schwierigste etc; who did it most easily?wem ist es am leichtesten gefallen?; what most displeased him …, what displeased him mostwas ihm am meisten missfiel; most of allam allermeisten; most of all because …vor allem, weil …
(= very)äußerst, überaus; most likelyhöchstwahrscheinlich; he added most unnecessarily …er sagte noch völlig unnötigerweise; he had told you most explicitlyer hat Ihnen doch ganz eindeutig gesagt
(old, dial, = almost) → fast, so ziemlich (inf), → schier (old, S Ger)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[məʊst] (many, much (superl of))
1. adj
a.più (di tutti)
the most pleasure → il piacere più grande
who has (the) most money? → chi ha più soldi (di tutti)?
for the most part → in gran parte, per la maggior parte
b. (the majority of) most menla maggior parte or la grande maggioranza degli uomini
most fish → la maggior parte dei pesci
2. pron most of it/themquasi tutto/tutti
most of the money/her friends/the time → la maggior parte dei soldi/dei suoi amici/del tempo
do the most you can → fai più che puoi
at most or at the (very) most → al massimo
to make the most of sth → sfruttare al massimo qc, trarre il massimo vantaggio da qc
make the most of it! → approfittane!
3. adv
a. (spend, eat, work, sleep) → di più
I saw most → ho visto più io
the most attractive/difficult/comfortable → il/la più attraente/difficile/confortevole
which one did it most easily? → chi ha avuto più facilità a farlo?
b. (very) most likelymolto probabilmente
a most interesting book → un libro estremamente interessante
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(məust) superlative of many ~much (often with the) – adjective
1. (the) greatest number or quantity of. Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.
2. the majority or greater part of. Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.
1. used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables. Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.
2. to the greatest degree or extent. They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.
3. very or extremely. I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.
4. (American) almost. Most everyone I know has read that book.
1. the greatest number or quantity. I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.
2. the greatest part; the majority. He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving – most have gone already.
ˈmostly adverb
to the greatest degree or extent, or for most of the time; mainly. The air we breathe is mostly nitrogen and oxygen; Mostly I go to the library rather than buy books.
at (the) most
taking the greatest estimate. There were fifty people in the audience at (the) most.
for the most part
mostly. For the most part, the passengers on the ship were Swedes.
make the most of (something)
to take advantage of (an opportunity etc) to the greatest possible extent. You'll only get one chance, so you'd better make the most of it!
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


أغْلَبُ, إلَى حَدٍ بَعِيدٍ, مُعْظَمُ nejčastěji, nejvíce, většina de fleste, flest, mest am meisten, das meiste, die meisten περισσότερο, πλείστος la mayor parte de, la mayoría, más eniten, useimmat la plupart, le plus najviše, većina di più, gran parte, la maggior parte 最も多い, 最も多く, 最多数 가장 많이, 대부분 meest flest, mest, svært najwięcej, największy a maioria, a maioria de, mais, o mais более всего, большинство, наибольший flest, mest จำนวนมากที่สุด, ที่สุด, ส่วนใหญ่ çok, en çok hầu hết, nhất 大多数, , 最多的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. sup. de more, el, la más; lo más; el, la mayor; el mayor número de, la mayor parte de;
sumamente, principalmente;
adv. más, muy, a lo sumo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj mayoría de; in most cases..en la mayoría de los casos; adv más; the most effective drug..el medicamento más eficaz
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.