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(General Physics) an exotic atom consisting of a positive muon and an electron, equivalent to an isotope of hydrogen
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They have multiple services live including Muonium, StartMy, MUEX and MyMue.
Lebed, "Production of the smallest QED atom: True Muonium ([[mu].sup.+][[mu].sup.-])," Physical Review Letters, vol.
Among specific topics are density function theory studies of electronic structures and hyperfine interaction of muonium in imidazole, the preparation and tensile/thermal properties of polyvinyl alcohol/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites, the effect of wrapping a number of constituent functional yarns on moisture-transferring and antibacterial knits, switching behavior in titania-zinc oxide composite thin films, and studying the stress distribution of meniscus using a three-dimensional finite-element model.
We attempt to validate our theory by exploring the hydrogenoid atomic model with mass-ratio varying by three orders of magnitude to include the hydrogen, muonium and positronium atoms.
Among his topics are the diffraction of particles in polarized crystals, positronium and muonium spin rotation and oscillations, the phenomenon of time-reversal violating magnetic field generation by a static electric field and electric field generation by a static magnetic field, spin rotation of particles moving in bent crystals and measuring the magnetic moment of short-lived particles and nuclei, and synchrotron-type radiation processes in crystals and polarization phenomena accompanying them.
In order for the paper to be self-contained let's recall that the pionium is formed by a [[pi].sup.+] and [[pi].sup.-] mesons, the positronium is formed by an antielectron (positron) and an electron in a semi-stable arrangement, the protonium is formed by a proton and an antiproton also semi-stable, the antiprotonic helium is formed by an antiproton and electron together with the helium nucleus (semi-stable), and muonium is formed by a positive muon and an electron.
According to chemistry professors Jason Clyburne and Paul Percival, the muonium may be the next best thing for studying chemical reactions with hydrogen atoms.
Past, present and future of muonium. arXiv: nuclex/ 040401.
Fleming rejoined the University of British Columbia chemistry department in 1971 and embarked on an entirely new research direction to develop the [micro]SR technique and particularly its application to studies in muonium (Mu = [micro]+[e.sup.-] chemistry at the (then new) TRIUMF cyclotron.