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Related to navar: Anavar


(Navigation) a system of air navigation in which a ground radar station relays signals to each aircraft indicating the relative positions of neighbouring aircraft
[C20: from nav(igational and traffic control rad)ar]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Visitors can enjoy a scenic drive to the Lough Navar to view a dramatic cliff-top viewing point with a sweeping view across Lough Erne.
THREE youths were disturbed stealing a stereo from a Nissan Navar pick-up truck at 2.40pm yesterday.
Currently, most employees of therapeutic recreation departments have been formally educated in the field and are nationally certified as able to perform the service (Navar, 2001).
I was able to try the Navar a over a purpose-built off-roa d course and can testify that its mud-plugging performance i s well up to that of most competi - tors.
He spent much of his time driving his white specially adapted Hyundai to scenic Lough Navar near Derrygonnelly, outside Enniskillen.
Visitors can enjoy L( e a scenic drive to the Lough Navar to view a dramatic cliff-top viewing point with a sweeping view across Lough Erne.
Mr Sullivan spent much of his time driving his white specially adapted Hyundai car to scenic Lough Navar near Derrygonnelly, outside Enniskillen.
Given the chance to make the appeal at his local church in St Petersburg, Florida, 15-year-old Davion Navar Henry Only spent weeks preparing for his big day.
Lough Navar is a scenic drive leading to a beautiful viewpoint over Lower Lough Erne.