

without a net, not having a net
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At the same time, researchers of the information society found that bridging the digital divide between the netizens and the netless is not a question of generation change, not even in the well developed countries (Budai, 2009).
The latter question brings us to the tertiary title of this paper, the "netless net": an institutionalized support network for the production and dissemination of work that attempts a provisional or partial escape from imprisonment within the confines of mainstream convention.
--The North American Butterfly Association (NABA)( endorses "netless" butterfly study, sponsors various butterfly counts throughout North America, and has several butterfly publications.
Tan leaves swirl on the netless tennis courts, and I steer my car through a crowded, still lot that will soon rumble to life.
In short order, a pickup soccer game is under way on a bare dirt pitch between two netless goals fashioned from timbers.
A broad expanse of lawn, twin girls slurping up orange juice, long-tailed birds flying off who knows where, netless tennis courts, and the sea beyond ...
The site turns an e-mail into a fax for those "netless" members of Parliament.
The netless hoops, one of which hangs at a forty-five-degree angle, present a challenge.
Almost every village had a sad looking soccer field, but also you would find a basketball court with a drooping, netless, rusted hoop.
Its concrete yard is littered with broken glass, graffiti cover the walls, and the only piece of playground equipment is a netless basketball hoop.
Netless erosion control blankets are also available.