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(Communications & Information) informal a habitual and enthusiastic user of the internet
[C20: from (inter)net]
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References in classic literature ?
He likes Nettie Blewett pretty well, too, and mother would rather he married her than any one.
"Certainly not," said Anne, who had no desire whatever to publish abroad the fact that Billy Andrews wanted to marry her, preferring her, when all was said and done, to Nettie Blewett.
Billy Andrews had got his sister to propose for him because his father had given him the upper farm; and if Anne wouldn't "have him" Nettie Blewett would.
Although Ras articulates a similar worldview as Nettie in The Color Purple, Ellison does not emphasize this ideological stance in Invisible Man.
Nettie's bloody hands attempt to cover her face, a face already swollen from last time.
TOWARDS the end of 1948, Melbourne's Meanjin Press published Nettie Palmer's Fourteen Years: extracts from a private journal.
It's set on Bayou Nettie, with a dramatic infinity-edge pool, outdoor kitchen and deep-water dockage.
Agrarian feminist, organic farmer, wife, parent, gardener, philosopher, teacher, international social activist, politician and more: Nettie Wiebe loves the family farm and her Saskatchewan community.
Pa eventually took another wife, as young as Celie, to Celie's relief for herself and her younger sister Nettie. However, the man Celie refers to as Mr.___ begins to visit with the intention of marrying Nettie.
The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin has acquired Anzaldua's writings, including unpublished work, which added up to 225 manuscript boxes.
Aunt Nettie had always been just plain fun, and even after she had pressed her mink boa on my mother--a string of thin, dry-eyed animals biting each other's tails, "You can keep it until my next visit, Irene"--we all loved her.