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barter or an instance thereof
to barter or trade
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References in periodicals archive ?
Niffer's is another favorite burgers, sandwiches, and more-type of establishment.
Vennema, Bobby Cannavale, Brad Oscar, Clyde Alves, Meggie Cansler, Andrew Cao, Niffer Clarke, Rachel Coloff, Jack Doyle, Leah Edwards, Kimberty Faure, Marya Grandy, Michael Hailing, Max Kumangai, Alyse Alan Louis, Michael Marcotte, Shina Ann Morris, Kevin Munhall, William Ryall, Jennifer Savelli, Anthony Wayne, J.D.
Funds will also be used to create a WPI crew perpetual endowment, to cover the cost of replacing the "Niffer" boat when it has to be retired and to keep McLaughlin's name active in crew.
Ian Rainbird of Mirfield, who lent us the photo, says the match took place on Leeds Road playing fields and scorers for Almondbury were David 'Niffer' Watson (four), and one each from Womersley, Rainbird and Headey.
He was employed by the Fund and would serve as the photographer and business manager for the expedition that would excavate the ruins at the ancient city of Nippur (Niffer) in southeastern Iraq.
Hiya Niffer, have a lovely Xmas and an even better New Year, thinking of you always.