

a person who is not an actor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His back implacably turned toward us throughout the first of the film's four sections, its protagonist (nonactor Gianni Buscarino)--whose face we do not see for several minutes and whose name, Silvestro, we learn only later--suddenly cries, "There is no cheese like ours!
Third, coming full circle to his comments on actors, just to play devil's advocate, maybe his cameos were yet another tongue-in-cheek putdown of performers, a la, if a nonactor director can do the task, how hard can it be?
Initially panned as a nonactor with a weak voice, Akshay is a self- made superstar.
Participants heard sentences with mixed animacy (animate actor/inanimate nonactor and inanimate actor/animate nonactor) in both SVO and OVS structures, which they had to repeat when prompted.
(29) Although the legal elements of intent, causation, and damage are essentially equivalent in the two scenarios, the law imposes a duty to rescue on Sally when she is an actor, but not when she is a nonactor.
My reason is that providing a neutral perspective -- neither that of the actor nor that of the affected nonactor -- is what we have judges for.
Ultimately, Riker's neo-neo-realist picture about new immigrants, with a cast full of nonactor seamstresses and laborers, outperformed Hollywood blockbusters for six weeks at these theaters.
Although she can't save the film from its own silliness, Mezzogiorno does provide a gravity and legitimacy of her own, as her mesmerizing eyes and her excellent delivery in English make a dramatic highlight out of a monologue about a personal tragedy, as well as showing up Campino for the nonactor he is.
Taking Liberties (arguably the documentary of the year) and, the best British movie by a mile, This Is England with astonishing young nonactor Thomas Turgoose in the lead role.
My benedictions were offered to the modern-day gods of Hollywood, hoping they would deliver us all from this whiny nonactor who hasn't made a decent film since Noah set sail.
As the epicene partakes of the characteristics of both sexes, Epicoene possesses the knowledge of the nonactor Dauphine as well as the ability to communicate of the overactor Truewit.
Toby Oxman bears a more than passing resemblance (glasses, pallor, baldness) to Solondz, and Oxman's cameraman, Mike, is played by Mike Schank, a nonactor who appeared (as himself, wielding a camera) in the classic shoestring documentary American Movie.