

(ˌnɒnˈædʌlt; ˌnɒnəˈdʌlt)
a person who is not an adult
lacking maturity, not adultrelating to content or an activity that is suitable for all ages, not restricted only to adults
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Michael Valentine, MD, said in a statement, adding that the medical community needs to continue to do its part to make sure tobacco use continues to decline, especially in the nonadult population.
(58) The aforementioned measures are not validated in patients with FAI syndrome but for labral tears, nor are they applicable to the nonadult population (less than 23 years old).
Otherwise, it is determined to be a nonadult image.
As an indirect test, I considered 25-45-year-old women with only one nonadult child.
The nonadult images are images captured in natural environments where some constraints are not imposed.
The nonadult patient was a 2-month-old boy with congenital heart disease.
The importance of studying nonadult skeletal remains from the archaeological context is gaining increasing recognition [1-3], but studies that focus solely on the diseases experience of children from past populations is still uncommon.
Their attributes mirrored the nonadult and what he was not: irrational, vulnerable, immature, and dependent.
Indeed, in these texts we can uncover the "hidden agenda of gender norms, where 'adult' means learning to be dependent, submissive, or 'nonadult'" (16).
The remaining fluid in the vial thus contained mites (washed off the outside) and a majority of uniform-sized nonadult nematode stages (washed out with the inner fluid).