

not related to or involving a body
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Step 2: Classify the global image into two pixels set using T: the set B of body voxels and the set N of nonbody voxels.
Although the mechanism of pulmonary dysfunction after cardiopulmonary bypass is unclear, the immunogenic factors depending on the nonbody circulation, frequent blood transfusion, and massive fluid shifts can cause damage.
The representation of unrestrained female appetite as transgressive formulates restriction and denial as central components of the construction of femininity, and the thin body or 'nonbody' comes to represent purity, the triumph of will over the unruly (female) body, and transcendence of the flesh (Bordo 1993, 147-48).
They believed that reading both body and nonbody religious affirming statements would increase feelings of love and acceptance.
(26) Josie Geller, Sharon Zaitsoff, and Suja Srikameswaran, "Beyond shape and weight: Exploring the relationship between nonbody determinants of self-esteem and eating disorder symptoms in adolescent females," Wiley InterScience (2001), [online].
Phoenician anthropoid sarcophagi, in contrast, emphasize the liberation of the soul (or nonbody) from the physical body confined in the mummylike sarcophagus.
In their comparative study of body modifiers versus nonbody m odifiers, Frederick and Bradley (2000) reported that the younger the age when body piercing began, the higher the self-reported antisocial attitudes.
It bypasses the stage at which the sentiments perceived in other bodies are mere matters of fact and gives us the illusion of immediately appropriable sentiments, free sentiments belonging to nonbody and therefore identifiable with ourselves" (171).
(Naturally, in a female cyberfiction, there are relationships, including father-daughter, unrequited love, and a romantic triangle that solves itself by cloning.) Meanwhile, waiting for every nonbody in the agitated Net is Dr.
In one of the first issues of the newspaper after the Pearl Harbor attack, the editors printed a gratuitous cartoon of a white man stepping into a cab (a horse and buggy) and telling the black driver that he wants to go to a "haberdasher." The cabby answers: "Now look a-here boss, I be'en drivin' in dis town twenty years and I an't neber giv' nonbody away yit.
The Stranger shows, however, that the comprehensives must compromise their principles in order to find room for their own understanding, and once they do compromise--either in the direction of nonbody or in the direction of soul--they must declare that being is two, and fall into the trap he had already sprung for the precise people.