

(Ecclesiastical Terms) theol a person or group of people that is not chosen or elected, esp for salvation
(Ecclesiastical Terms) not chosen or elected for salvation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Both the elect and the nonelect function in salvation history.
To the elect, this is the best of news; to the nonelect, this revelation has the "smell of death."
He claimed that the elect were born with the good seed, implanted by God in Adam and Eve, and the nonelect were born of the evil seed which came from Satan.
If elected, Erika wants sexual harassment claims involving state officials, both elected and nonelected, to be handled by a judicial commission instead of the current commission composed of lawmakers.
If the committee were to recommend impeachment, Hall could be the first nonelected government official to be impeached - and possibly removed - in the state's history.
She also played a role in Kitzhaber's education reform effort, serving as chief co-sponsor of legislation that made the state's superintendent of public instruction a nonelected position and paved the way for the hiring of a governor-appointed chief education investment officer.
The system allows senior nonelected officials to participate in Diet sessions and answer questions put by lawmakers to cabinet ministers.
Late in the commission's proceedings, this proposal was modified so that it retains the Commissioner of Agriculture as an elected Cabinet officer The proposal does not eliminate a Secretary of State or Commissioner of Education, but rather makes them nonelected officials without Cabinet duties.(15)
Both committee leaders stressed the gravity and historical nature of the proceeding - if Hall were to be impeached, he would be the first nonelected official in the state to be so.
Part of this decision process is being made by a nonelected board that can tax and has the power of eminent domain.