

a thing that is not true or provable
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Why not designate bookshelves as holding 'fact' and 'nonfact'?
While this is probably just as well, for the Americans are so good at rashly declaring battle that the eagle would soon get dizzy swivelling its head back and forth, what makes this nonfact so galling is that it had appeared on the West Wing.
Interactants who engaged in precognitive commitment generally used a nonpositive reasoning strategy (negative, nonfact based, questioning) and were not able to perceive multiple perspectives.
One can thus start from the distinction fact versus nonfact in a world.
There seemed to be no such thing as "enough" on this, with every fact and every nonfact being reported and reported and then reported a few more times.
Lively group discussions often ensue at this stage of R.I.T.E as students try to differentiate between fact and nonfact. Langer (1997) stated, "Noticing new things about any body of information is involving.
Reading Section of TAAS contains six objectives designed to match this curriculum: (a) Word Meaning, (b) Supporting Ideas, (c) Summarization, (d) Relationship and Generalization, (e) Inferences and Generalizations, (f) Point of View, Propaganda, Fact and Nonfact.
unmeasured or unhappened) is a nonfact, contrary to what most social
In its report on KTLK's license renewal hearing, it stated: This activity, albeit on a lower plane, falls on the periphery of the type of "nonfact" reporting we referred to as "staged", or "pseudo-event" in Democratic National Convention Television Coverage.(74) In that case we said that "...
Let c be a clause defining p and having n body calls, and let m be the total number of nonfact clauses defining p.
Bancroft characterizes this statement as "quite an effective mixture of fact and nonfact, or altered fact.
The Mexican loan package is complex, but the senator has sidetracked the entire debate by turning a nonfact into a central issue.