

(Linguistics) linguistics related to that which does not fall at the end of a word or series
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References in periodicals archive ?
The currently pending proposal is case number SC18-2011, which seeks to amend 1) Rule 9.130 to add orders creating permanent guardianships in dependency cases to the list of appealable nonfinal orders; and 2) Rule 9.200 to fix the problem of over redaction of records on appeal, which results in electronic records that are virtually useless to counsel on appeal.
In the order, the District Court noted the apparent inconsistency between caselaw disfavoring appeals of partial judgments and the parties' ability to obtain appellate review of what was previously a nonfinal judgment by stipulating to dismiss any remaining claims without prejudice.
Miller appeals a nonfinal order of the trial court denying his motion to dismiss the armed robbery and false imprisonment charges against him.
Candidate (9e) falls victim to ALIGN-L, WSP, and NONFINAL.
bringing up for our review the prior nonfinal Appellate Division order." (54) It is noteworthy that if the CCPLR's definition of an appropriate "final" paper--i.e.
The statute is clear on its face that suits challenging nonfinal agency
problems, in particular the appealability of a nonfinal order.
Orders) Permits review of nonfinal orders to determine if, as a matter of law, a settlement agreement is unenforceable, was set aside, or never existed.
The negative answer is returned since we end up in state 2, which is nonfinal. Using the input sequence 1, 1, 0, the answer is still "No", but for a different reason.