

a substance that is not a fluid
not fluid
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The difference lies in the fact that a pseudocyst has a homogenous fluid density whereas walled-off necrosis describes both fluid and nonfluid heterogeneous components which represent necrotic debris with or without loculation [7].
Defining the posterior palatal seal on a definitive impression for a maxillary complete denture by using a nonfluid wax addition technique.
The acoustic elements used in the freezer cavity have the capabilities of translating the pressure in the nonfluid medium and the translations in the x, y, and z directions at the interface.
version of, that obtaining in the case of more-familiar nonfluid
In a nonfluid society, in which the status of most people is determined by birth and class, people may have an idea of what is normal for them.
This semi-dry paint still contained some water but was nonfluid. Experiments 1 (wet paint) and 4 (dry/semi-dry paint) were designed for the initial evaluation of microwave pyrolysis as a method to recover the inorganic components from a waste paint.
The pyrolysis experiments were carried out both on wet paint (experiments 1-3) and on semi-dry nonfluid paint (experiment 4) samples.
Nonfluid ready-to-eat foods are frequently exposed to post-process surface contamination, leading to a reduction in their shelf life.
The GUSS allowed a graded rating with separate evaluations for nonfluid and fluid nutrition, beginning with nonfluid textures.
This autonomy emerged at the same time that nonfluid categories of racialism took shape.
Whenever you are out in the on hot days make sure drink plenty of nonfluids, in particularwater.