

(Law) law the state of being innocent or not guilty
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Preponderance means that 'the proof of guilt is greater than the proof of nonguilt,' Aquino said.
A verdict scale score was also calculated as a scalar variable, multiplying the confidence in verdict rating by 1 for guilty verdicts and by 1 for not guilty verdicts, creating a scale range of + 10 (complete confidence in guilt) to -10 (complete confidence in nonguilt).
But in all these instances, and in order for the mechanism to have its unifying, culture-forming and culture-preserving effect, it seems to be necessary for the innocence or at least the nonguilt of the scapegoated victim to remain veiled.
nonguilt appeal) x 2 (environmental hyperopia: local vs.
Guilt and nonguilt appeals were developed based on Chang's (2012) formula.
A significant difference was found between the guilt (M = 4.56) and nonguilt appeal conditions (M = 3.13; t = 98.12, p < .01).
The analysis of the results of participants with external ELOC indicated that, when promoting a global issue, the guilt appeal was more effective than the nonguilt appeal.
The results indicated that, when a local issue was being promoted, there was a significant difference between the guilt and nonguilt appeal.
For participants with an external ELOC, the guilt appeal was more effective than the nonguilt appeal in promoting global issues.
All the outlets provided substantially more paragraphs purely promoting conclusions of innocence than encouraging either guilt conclusions or continued uncertainty (by including both guilt and nonguilt information).
Both the Federal and state appeals court decisions delivered the blow of retribution when they confirmed the nonguilt of DuPont and Baylor in their decisions.