

characterized by fragility or incapable of surviving under difficult conditions
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With regard to the mental benefits of hardiness, hardy swimmers showed less mood disturbances while overtraining during the season as compared to nonhardy swimmers (Goss, 1994).
CCT Schrad., Cucurbitaceae (colocynth or wild-gourd or bitter-apple), is a nonhardy, herbaceous perennial vine, branched from the base.
The first set clustered less educated, nonhardy, more recently injured individuals who used many escape--avoidance coping behaviors and did not use strategies to seek social support, problem solve, or engage in personal growth.
* Protect succulents during light frosts by setting stakes around nonhardy ones and placing a sheet or floating row cover over them.
Old-fashioned cottage types prefer well-prepared borders, in plenty of sun, while nonhardy types should be lifted after the first frost and stored in a frost-free place for winter.
Smith (1961) made crosses among hardy and among nonhardy plants within varieties, which resulted in hardy, short plants and nonhardy, tall plants, respectively, strongly suggesting that plant height and winter survival were negatively correlated.
PROTECT SUCCULENTS Set stakes around nonhardy kinds, and place a lightweight fabric, such as a bedsheet or row cover, over the stakes during light frosts.
Although most winter-hardy germplasm flowers later than nonhardy germplasm because of vernalization and/ or daylength requirements, none of the four lines in this study matured as late as Norline in spite of their superior freezing tolerance (Table 3).
The four winter hardy germplasm lines (ILL-669, ILL-1878, WA8649041, and WA8649090) and one nonhardy parent ('Precoz = ILL-1405') were crossed in a half diallel mating design without reciprocals (10 crosses) in the greenhouse in 1992.
In cold-winter areas, nonhardy grasses can be grown as annuals.
The nonhardy Brewer check was completely withered and wilted and nonhardy parent Precoz had winter injury scores of 96.7% suggesting no possibility of recovery for these genotypes, whereas the winter hardy parent WA8649090 had only 10.0% winter injury.
In undefoliated plants sampled in December, the nondormant, nonhardy 5939 had the highest root starch concentration (415 mg [g.sup.-1]), whereas the dormant 53Q60 had the lowest root starch concentration (304 mg [g.sup.-1]) (Fig.