

not relating to or containing an image
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The artist is seduced by the elusiveness of meaning, which may come as a flash of enlightenment, not unlike as in a haiku, which in fact Lascano has substantially mined, in partnership with his wife Chachu, who is herself a mean weaver of words-the couple exulting in a unity of nonimage and nonmeaning (for truth can slip away as instantly as the moment it is glimpsed).
The typical process on press is wetting of the plate in the fountain to soften the coating, which begins the process in unexposed nonimage areas on press losing adhesion of the coating.
You should love him as he is a nonGod, a nonspirit, a nonperson, a nonimage, but as he is a pure, unmixed, bright 'One', separated from all duality; and in that One we should eternally sink down, out of 'something' into 'nothing'.
From (4), we could only be sure that the transmission power for the image aggregation scheme is better than the nonimage aggregation one.
Intelligent computer systems will, within the next 10 years, be used to automate many of these nonimage interpretation related functions, which will make us not only substantially more efficient, but will decrease error rates and improve patient safety.
These processing operations "create images from other images or nonimage data.
very visible right away." Unlike visible-light exposure, he says, in thermal imaging an infrared laser acts on a plate's nonimage area, leaving it in an oil-repellent state.
Among other things, JPEG2000 also is not limited to RGB colors and is designed to handle large images and black-and-white images, function without error or loss in noisy, wireless transmissions, give superior compression efficiency and a lossless option, provide nonimage metadata with files, and support security marking.
The fluid is separated at the last roller of the inking train with a shearing action that allows image and nonimage areas to take up ink and water in the normal lithographic manner.