

a being that is not a man
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
prof, nonman, Employer or manager, characteristics personal, skillman, professional.
Significantly, in this regard, increased incomes (weekinc) reduce the frequency of participation, as does being a manual (empman) and nonmanual employee (nonman) or possessing qualification of at least A-level standard (schoola) and having access to a vehicle (usevcll).
CVS/Caremark says regular executive sessions of nonman. agement directors on its board helps maintain such oversight.
Even nonman agement jobs require handling multiple top priorities."
If Madame Sosostris's ability to speak clearly and prophesy accurately earns the disdain of the nonman who can only express himself by helplessly channeling other dead poets, nowhere is his contempt for women who retain their power to make images but fail to suffer more evident than in the infamous "Fresca" passage that Pound excised from The Waste Land.
Using Sophocles' Oedipus, as well as Freud's emblematic adoption of the drama, de Lauretis argues that historically "story" has been male, with the female characterized as "other," or "nonman"--certainly the object, not the subject, of desire.
For Finucci, Ariosto punishes the old, undesirable Gabrina with a status beyond femininity (77), the falsely beautiful Alcina for knowing too well how to wear the feminine mask, and the woman warrior Marfisa for too long and too comically "playing the nonwoman and the nonman" (81).