

that is not news, not concerned with news
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
To put that into perspective, this investment represents close to the entire annual budget for each of CBC and Radio-Canada's nonnews programming.
BBC Wales has yet to finalise its staff migration programme but it will see the first staff, most likely in nonnews administration roles, moving into the building in autumn 2019.
There's some of that customization available in nonnews media digital subscription services, as seen with Netflix's Basic, Standard or Premium plans.
First, the two categories--news-oriented articles versus nonnews--traded places sometime in the early 2000s, and today nonnews has become the main course rather than the side dish as regards the front page.
If idiosyncratic volatility generates a limit to arbitrage, then the negative relation between returns and news volatility should be stronger than the relation to nonnews volatility.
That's nonnews, as happened with Didier Drogba's alleged team talk."
"As the most-listened to nonnews programme on Radio 4, the drama firmly belongs in the Midlands where its fictional Ambridge setting is based," he wrote.
The central difference between this repertoire and the others is that it is restricted to nonnews media information sources only, while all the other diets and SPIRs predominantly involve media sources.
In a chapter I wrote, "Drug Success = News; Drug Failure = NonNews," for a 1965 book, (1) documented a stenographic pattern of reporting about the drug industry not unlike what happened during the run-up to the Iraq War.
Nonnews programming can be reduced from 3 hours, previously set for 2009, to 1.5 hours.
"Although these lapses amount to tens of hours across one million hours of broadcasting, the BBC's standards must be as high in smallscale competitions as they are in the most major news story." The BBC Trust said in a statement: "While these breaches represent a very small number of the programmes broadcast in the last two years, they indicate an underlying problem in nonnews areas that management has failed to apply satisfactory editorial controls." The trust issued its statement after receiving a report from Mr Thompson into the TV fakery row.
The Czech Republic's top terrestrial, TV Nova, is stronger than ever in ratings, with the country's three highest-rated nonnews shows in its stable.