

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (of a worker or job) that is not paid
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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All nominations must be in writing and include all of the "nonpaid" work that the nominee has done for the betterment of Pana.
He also urged that nonpaid tax returns should be released as soon as possible.
Hodi has received grant/ research support from, and is a nonpaid consultant to, Bristol-Myers Squibb, which supported Checkmate 067.
Parents, pastors, health care professionals, business leaders, social workers, and students themselves are among the many kinds of citizens who engage in nonpaid labor that contributes to public schooling's success.
This is a very time-consuming yet fascinating nonpaid job of checking out creative projects by fellow artists.
In the occupation category the proportion of participants achieving the WHO-recommended PA levels was highest among nonpaid (98.1%) and self-employed (97.9%) compared to employed participants (93.6%, p < 0.0001).
Because l love books and I buy many when I attend literary festivals, attending a nonpaid festival means I will be losing money from my attendance.
When function starts to deteriorate but the need for personal assistance is modest, seniors are often helped by their families, friends, or other informal nonpaid caregivers and are able to stay at home until something changes.
For example, Smile, who once dreamed about becoming a teacher but had to give up that dream so that she could support her family, shared her story about her children's perceptions of paid and nonpaid working mothers:
Because of the anticipated traffic impacts, the communications team made the I-95 Bridge Restorations project a priority, focusing on earned media, or nonpaid communications, such as news releases, social media, and other nonpaid outlets.
All teachers who are added to the NCVPS work pool are required to participate in the nonpaid Teacher-in-Training program.