

not vital
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The search strategy, performed through the MeSH terms and keywords, was based on the following PICOS question: "Is ibuprofen effective to decrease the risk and intensity of pain after endodontic treatment in vital and nonvital teeth of adult patients?"
If no response was elicited from the patient even at maximum intensity, then the test tooth was considered nonvital.3 Negative control teeth were subjected to EPT testing using the same procedures.
Pulpectomy treatment is one option for maintaining primary teeth diagnosed with pulpal tissue inflammation involving radicular or nonvital pulp until normal exfoliation (1).
The results of the study concluded that MTA is significantly better than Ca (OH)2 in Apexification of nonvital immature permanent teeth.
Nonvital Tooth Bleaching : AReviewofthe Literature and Clinical Procedures .
This cyst was missed initially due to a failed root canal treatment associated with the nonvital maxillary central incisor.
Radiographic and clinical examinations were performed initially, and an extensive glass ionomer cement restoration of a nonvital tooth (46) was identified (Figures 1 and 2).
This was likely due to the ability to preserve osteocytes, causing an overall increased number of remaining osteocytes with less occurrence of nonvital bone.
Efficacy of revascularization to induce apexification/apexogensis in infected, nonvital, immature teeth: A pilot clinical study.
On examination, upper right lateral incisor was discolored and also nonvital on pulp testing.