

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) not part of a person's wages; distinct from wages; not including wages
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Why would a society steeped in traditions of a nonwage rural labor force try to preempt labor unrest in this way?
MCWIE seeks to strengthen further existing initiatives of some CSOs and people's organizations (POs) in organizing different segments of the labor force, e.g., migrants, domestic workers, tribal people, home-based workers, nonwage transport workers, ambulant vendors, coastal fisherfolks, landless rural poor and so on.
In addition to raising wages, most Districts noted examples of firms enhancing nonwage benefits, including health benefits, profit-sharing, bonuses, and paid vacation days." Prices rose at a modest pace, but nearly all Districts said input costs rose faster than final goods prices.
The exclusion restrictions should help to discriminate between the two equations: the demand for hours equation implies that increases in a worker's nonwage income do not depress hours of work; the supply of hours equation implies that increases in the price of the output that workers help to make do not increase work hours.
On the eve of May 1, Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz brutally told workers in a press briefing: "Workers will get neither wage increase nor nonwage benefits on Labor Day." But she infuriated workers by telling them that there are many job opportunities in the country and abroad.
Because nonwage compensation can sometimes exceed 40-to-50 percent of wages, its inclusion has the potential to alter the industry differences noted.
The presence of unions in the workplace is positively associated with the enteiprise average wage, nonwage compensation, and employee training.
3402(o), Extension of Withholding to Certain Payments Other Than Wages, specifically applies to, among other things, "any supplemental unemployment compensation benefit." The court first noted that the inclusion of the phrase "other than wages" supported the conclusion that the statute applied to nonwage payments.
Mahn also will get $50,000 to settle nonwage claims against the county and $6,500 for attorney fees and other costs that he incurred.
Payments for nonwage or noncompensation amounts would always be reported on form 1099-MISC, even for employees.
Documentation required includes deeds and mortgages to all real estate, bank statements for up to 12 months, life insurance policies, sources of nonwage income, unpaid bills, evidence of major living expenses, and doctor's statements.