
(redirected from obtested)


tr.v. ob·test·ed, ob·test·ing, ob·tests
To supplicate; entreat.

[Latin obtestārī : ob-, to; see ob- + testārī, to call as a witness (from testis, witness; see trei- in Indo-European roots).]

ob′tes·ta′tion n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to beg (someone) earnestly
2. (when: tr, takes a clause as object; when intr, may be foll by with or against) to object; protest
3. (tr) to call (a supernatural power) to witness
[C16: from Latin obtestārī to protest, from ob- to + testārī to bear or call as witness]
ˌobtesˈtation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: obtested
Gerund: obtesting

I obtest
you obtest
he/she/it obtests
we obtest
you obtest
they obtest
I obtested
you obtested
he/she/it obtested
we obtested
you obtested
they obtested
Present Continuous
I am obtesting
you are obtesting
he/she/it is obtesting
we are obtesting
you are obtesting
they are obtesting
Present Perfect
I have obtested
you have obtested
he/she/it has obtested
we have obtested
you have obtested
they have obtested
Past Continuous
I was obtesting
you were obtesting
he/she/it was obtesting
we were obtesting
you were obtesting
they were obtesting
Past Perfect
I had obtested
you had obtested
he/she/it had obtested
we had obtested
you had obtested
they had obtested
I will obtest
you will obtest
he/she/it will obtest
we will obtest
you will obtest
they will obtest
Future Perfect
I will have obtested
you will have obtested
he/she/it will have obtested
we will have obtested
you will have obtested
they will have obtested
Future Continuous
I will be obtesting
you will be obtesting
he/she/it will be obtesting
we will be obtesting
you will be obtesting
they will be obtesting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been obtesting
you have been obtesting
he/she/it has been obtesting
we have been obtesting
you have been obtesting
they have been obtesting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been obtesting
you will have been obtesting
he/she/it will have been obtesting
we will have been obtesting
you will have been obtesting
they will have been obtesting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been obtesting
you had been obtesting
he/she/it had been obtesting
we had been obtesting
you had been obtesting
they had been obtesting
I would obtest
you would obtest
he/she/it would obtest
we would obtest
you would obtest
they would obtest
Past Conditional
I would have obtested
you would have obtested
he/she/it would have obtested
we would have obtested
you would have obtested
they would have obtested
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011