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(Environmental Science) a less common spelling of ecology
oecological adj
ˌoecoˈlogically adv
oeˈcologist n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

ecology, oecology

1. the branch of biology that studies the relations between plants and animals and their environment. Also called bionomics, bionomy.
2. the branch of sociology that studies the environmental spacing and interdependence of people and institutions, as in rural or in urban settings. — ecologist, oecologist, n.ecological, oecological, adj.ecologically, oecologically, adv.
See also: Biology
1. the branch of biology that studies the relationship of organisms and environments. Also called bionomics, bionomy.
2. the branch of sociology that studies the environmental spacing and interdependence of people and their institutions, as in rural or urban settings. — ecologist, oecologist, n. — ecologie, oecologic, ecological, oecological, adj.
See also: Environment
the branch of sociology that studies the environmental spacing and interdependence of people and their institutions. — ecologist, oecologist, n.ecologie, oecologic, ecological, oecological, adj.
See also: Society
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Oecology of Plants; an introduction to the study of plant communities.
letter word IPA pronunciation A aye /aI/ B bdellium /'dEli[??]m/ C cnidarian /nI'dEri[??]n/ D djinn /d[??]In/ E eau /o/ F Floyd /[??][??]Id/ G gnome /no[??]m/ H honest /'anest/ I Iyar /'ija:r/ J Jung /jun/ K knight /naIt/ L LXVI /siksti'sIks[??]/ M mnemonic /n[??]'ma[??]mIk/ N ngultrum /'nultr[??]m/ O oecology /i'kal[??]d[??]i/ P psalm /sam/ Q qi /t[??]i[??]/ R Rx /pr[??]'skrI[??][??]n/ S Sn /tIn/ T tchotchke /'t[??][??]t[??]k[??]/ U Uyghur /'wig[??]/ V VIII /eIt[??]/ W wrap /raep/ X XVII /s[??]v[??]n'tin[??]/ Y Yves /i[??]v/ Z Zhivago /[??]I'vago/ Admittedly, I had to cheat somewhat by using some abbreviations (Rx = prescription), Roman numerals (VIII = eighth), and the authentic Welsh pronunciation of Floyd.